Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
oPt + 1 more
Disclaimer: Figures that are yet-to-be verified by the UN are attributed to their source. Casualty numbers have been provided by the Ministry of Health (MoH) and the Israeli authorities. The fatality...
Las continuas acciones armadas y la ausencia de garantías para el acceso a las comunidades han generado restricciones a la movilidad y confinamientos que afectan a aproximadamente 27.439 personas en...
Syria + 1 more
Key Figures This map is prepared using data from population movement reporting and border monitoring tool. It also includes the movements of Syrians who returned from Lebanon to Syria under duress...
World + 6 more
Éléments nouveaux/faits marquants intervenus depuis la diffusion de la carte précédente sur PacNet, le 4 février 2025 : Maladie à coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) : Niue : Le 7 février 2025, la Division...
D'octobre à décembre 2024, 41 organisations humanitaires et de développement présentes dans la région de Diffa, (contre 51 acteurs en décembre 2023) ont mené des activités spécifiques dans différents...
Please refer to the attached Map.
Observations for January 2025 o Severe fires were the most reported hazard in the month of January 2025 in Buvuma, Buikwe, Apac, Adjumani and the Karamoja sub region in districts such as Kaabong,...
Chad + 1 more
Chad is experiencing a complex humanitarian crisis, aggravated by climatic shocks, conflicts and health emergencies. Almost 40% of the population, or 7 million people, need humanitarian assistance...
Chad + 1 more
Le Tchad traverse en 2024 une crise humanitaire complexe, aggravée par les chocs climatiques, les conflits et les urgences sanitaires. Près de 40 % de la population, soit 7 millions de personnes, a...
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Between 06 and 08 February 2025, escalating attacks and heightened fear of violence by Non-State Armed Groups (NSAGs) in Chai, Macomia district, led to the displacement of approximately 1,163...
Through the generous support of the Directorate-General of the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Operations, DTM Kenya conducted a Demographic and Displacement Calculator (DDC)...
The International Organization for Migration’s (IOM) Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM), in collaboration with the Protection, and Shelter and Shelter and Settlement units, conducted a biometric...
APERÇU DE LA SITUATION De janvier à décembre 2024, les interventions nutritionnelles ont couvert 241 zones de santé (ZS), soit 46,4% des ZS au niveau national, avec une majorité des activités...
APERCU DE LA SITUATION Le groupe de travail de transferts monétaires coordonne la mise en œuvre de l’assistance en espèces et bons dans les provinces du Tchad. En 2024 (jan-Juin), 39 partenaires de...
Afghanistan + 2 more
HIGHLIGHTS OF THE WEEK • During this reporting period, inflow movements (71,920) were 30 per cent larger than outflow movements (53,239). • Compared to last week, this week’s inflow movements...
Lebanon + 1 more
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Greece + 8 more
Sea arrivals This week, the Aegean islands saw 281 arrivals, a decrease from last week's 469. The average of the daily arrivals on the Aegean islands for this week is 40.