Towards Climate Adaptive Communities Africa is fast changing and on the rise. The changes present growth opportunities, and the challenges provide a chance to reset. Notwithstanding the challenges,...
Malawi + 5 more
Towards Climate Adaptive Communities Africa is fast changing and on the rise. The changes present growth opportunities, and the challenges provide a chance to reset. Notwithstanding the challenges,...
Botswana + 6 more
By Tapiwa Gomo, Harare Thousands of lives and billions of dollars could be saved every year if a fraction of the funds pumped into major headline grabbing disasters were spent on minimising the...
Guy Norget in Fianarantsoa, Madagascar "We want to ensure that every community takes its destiny in its own hands," says Razafimbelo Fidèle, the new president of the Fianarantsoa regional committee...
El Salvador + 6 more
Geneva, 22 March 2002 CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY Mr. Secretary-General, Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen, It is a great pleasure to address you on the occasion of the World Meteorological Day, which...
Madagascar + 6 more
ECOSOC/5961 GENEVA, 11 July (UN Information Service) -- The Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) this afternoon continued its debate on United Nations efforts to coordinate special economic,...
SILVER SPRING, MARYLAND The Adventist Development and Relief Agency International (ADRA) is implementing a new rice farming strategy in Madagascar. Three tropical cyclones ravaged large parts of the...
Madagascar + 3 more
Floods in southern Africa have caused incredible amounts of damage. Houses, schools, roads, bridges, livestock and crops were all destroyed and peoples' lives were turned inside out when floods...
Après le passage du cyclone Eline, en février 2000, la situation nutritionnelle de habitants du district de Mannahoro, sur la côte est de Madagascar, n'avait cessé de se dégrader. En octobre 2000,...
JOHANNESBURG, 7 March (IRIN) - The European Commission is to spend about US $841,000 in Madagascar to provide humanitarian aid to vulnerable communities, most of which were affected during the floods...
Initial Budget: CHF 4,700,000 - Revised Budget: CHF 2,100,000 The Emergency and Description of the Appeal Cyclones Eline (mid-February, 2000) and Gloria (early-March, 2000) hit the central and...
Madagascar + 1 more
IP/01/304 Brussels, 5 March 2001 The European Commission has adopted two humanitarian aid decisions totalling €1.4 million to provide food and nutritional support to high-risk groups in Madagascar...
Afghanistan + 33 more
PR 01/10e Rome, 1 March 2001 -- Some 60 million people in 33 countries are facing food emergencies of varying intensity, according to a . FAO's Foodcrops and Shortages found sub-Saharan Africa worst...
World + 17 more
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Year 2000 brought significant changes to the Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC). In its second year of operations in Hawaii, JTWC had one of the easier forecasting seasons in the...
Port-Louis, Mauritius - A group of 12 Christians leaves Seychelles 19 December for Madagascar to assist people affected by the recent cyclones on the south-east coast of that country. Reports...
La situation alimentaire des populations du centre-est et du sud de Madagascar a atteint un niveau critique. Caritas Madagascar, partenaire local du Secours Catholique-Caritas France, demande au...
Colombia + 13 more
GA/9832 Continuing its debate on strengthening the coordination of humanitarian and disaster relief assistance of the United Nations, the General Assembly this afternoon adopted, without a vote, a...
Above-normal rains in northern and central parts in the third dekad of October provided adequate soil moisture for planting of the main 2001 paddy crop. However, the southern maize growing areas...
NEWS RELEASE COMU/F/49/00 Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, 31 October 2000 ABIDJAN, 31 OCTOBER 2000 - The Board of Directors of the African Development Fund (ADF) approved today a loan of 6.52 million Units...
Afghanistan + 44 more
Overview The World Food Programme wishes to thank donors for their continued generosity. This year donors have contributed over US $ 1.3 billion, and WFP has used these resources to mobilise over 3.1...
Madagascar + 2 more
Terrible floods this past Spring killed 650 people and affected more than two million individuals in Southern Africa, including Madagascar. Communities were devastated by the loss of homes, livestock...