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Lesotho - Appeal Updates
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Lesotho, Africa | Drought - Emergency Appeal № MDRLS008
Situation Overview Lesotho is grappling with a severe food security crisis, made worse by El Niño weather pattern, which is disrupting the critical 2024/25 summer planting and rainy season...
Humanitarian Action for Children 2021 - Lesotho
HIGHLIGHTS Climatic shocks, declining economic growth and the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic have worsened the humanitarian situation in Lesotho. In 2021, projections indicate that...
Humanitarian Action for Children 2020 - Lesotho
Lesotho In October 2019, the Government of Lesotho declared a drought emergency, following poor rains and high temperatures in 2018–2019 and the El Niño drought in 2015–2016. About one quarter of the...
Lesotho Flash Appeal, November 2019 - April 2020
OVERVIEW OF CRISIS More than a quarter of the population in Lesotho - over half a million people - are facing severe food insecurity as the country approaches the peak of the 2019/2020 lean season in...
Lesotho: Food Insecurity - Revised Emergency appeal n°MDRSL004
This Emergency Appeal Revision highlights the change of strategy following a market survey undertaken in March 2016 just before the implementation of the cash transfer program. The cash granted per...
Lesotho: Food Insecurity - Emergency appeal n°MDRSL004
This Emergency Appeal seeks a total of 664,073 Swiss francs to enable the IFRC to support the Lesotho Red Cross Society (LRCS) to respond to the food security needs of 4,500 affected beneficiaries1...
Lesotho: Food Insecurity - Emergency appeal n° MDRLS003
This Emergency Appeal seeks CHF 1,119,000 in cash, kind, or services to support the Lesotho Red Cross Society to assist 8,000 beneficiaries (1,600 households) for 9 months, and will be completed by...
Lesotho 2012 Flash Appeal
In Lesotho, a series of dry spells, late rains and early frost has led to an alarmingly steep reduction in agricultural yields for 2011/12. The adverse weather prevented most farmers from cultivating...
Lesotho Flash Appeal 2012
Lesotho has experienced a more than 70% drop in domestic agricultural production that has put more than 725,000 people, over a third of the population, at serious risk of food insecurity. The sharp...
Appeal for Humanitarian Assistance - September 2012 to June 2013
Executive summary This appeal document has been prepared by the Government of Lesotho for presentation to its Cooperating Partners, local business organizations, and citizens of good will. It is...
Lesotho + 7 more
Southern Africa: Floods Emergency Appeal No. MDR63001
This Emergency Appeal seeks CHF 11,409,294 (USD 10,332,633 or EUR 7,131,363) in cash, kind, or services to support the Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe...
Lesotho + 6 more
Southern Africa: Floods Preliminary Emergency Appeal no. MDR63001
GLIDE No. FL-2008-00004-LSO/MOZ/MWI/NMB/SWZ/ZMB/ZWE This Preliminary Emergency Appeal seeks CHF 8,064,000 (USD 7.3m or EUR 5m) in cash, kind, or services to support the Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique,...
Consolidated Appeals Process (CAP): Lesotho Drought Flash Appeal 2007
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A combination of extremely high temperatures and low rainfall has led to one of the worst droughts in thirty years, causing the Government to declare an emergency on 9 July and...
Lesotho + 6 more
Southern Africa: Food Insecurity Appeal no. 05EA023 Operations Update no. 9
The Federation's mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity. It is the world's largest humanitarian organization and its millions of volunteers are...
Lesotho + 6 more
Southern Africa: Food Insecurity Emergency Appeal no. 05EA023
The Federation's mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity. It is the world's largest humanitarian organization and its millions of volunteers are...
UNICEF Humanitarian Action: Lesotho Summary for 2005
Critical Issues for Children and Women The AIDS epidemic, poverty and drought are recognized as the underlying factors behind the current complex humanitarian crisis in Lesotho. The estimated number...
Lesotho Annual Appeal No. 05AA010
The International Federation's mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity. The Federation is the world's largest humanitarian organization, and its...
Lesotho + 7 more
Southern Africa Regional Programmes Appeal No. 05AA018
The International Federation's mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity. The Federation is the world's largest humanitarian organization, and its...
ACT Appeal Lesotho: Food Crisis Mitigation AFLS-31 (Rev. 2)
Appeal Target: US$ 380,928 Balance Requested from ACT Alliance: US$ 0 Geneva, 26 August 2004 Dear Colleagues, This appeal under the Christian Council of Lesotho (CCL) was first issued in September...