1. SYNOPSIS This Annual Mekong Flood Report (AMFR) follows the established pattern since 2007 that is a review of the year’s flood conditions within the Lower Mekong Basin (LMB), supplemented by an...
Cambodia + 3 more
1. SYNOPSIS This Annual Mekong Flood Report (AMFR) follows the established pattern since 2007 that is a review of the year’s flood conditions within the Lower Mekong Basin (LMB), supplemented by an...
World + 4 more
Preface The Mekong River and its tributaries comprise one of the largest river systems in the world. As a result of decades of war and isolation that ended just a few years ago, the Mekong’s water...
Cambodia + 3 more
MRC No. 9/02 Agencies from all over the Lower Mekong region will get ready for the coming flood season at the first Annual Mekong Flood Forum next week, from 23 to 24 April at the Cambodiana Hotel in...
Afghanistan + 35 more
Power of humanity The International Federation 's collective mission 'to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilising the power of humanity ' is an ambitious goal, but one rarely more needed...
Appeal Target: 877,157 Period covered: 1 July - 31 October 2001 Operational Developments: The party central committee third plenary session held in September, under the chairmanship of Party...
Cambodia + 7 more
This Programme Update is intended for reporting on Annual Appeals. Period covered: 1 January - 30 June 2001 Appeal Target CHF 3,380,971 Operational Developments: There has been a mixture of news from...
This Final Report is intended for reporting on emergency appeals Appeal No. 27/00 Launched on: 21 September, 2000 for 5 months for CHF 871,317. Budget revised to CHF 1,282,104 on 3 April, 2001 (see...
Afghanistan + 25 more
Rome, June 2001 Highlights World cereal stocks will be drawn down again in 2001/02. Although latest indications continue to point to a larger cereal crop in 2001, output would be insufficient to meet...
Afghanistan + 33 more
Strengthening of the coordination of emergency humanitarian assistance of the United Nations I. INTRODUCTION 1. The present report has been prepared pursuant to General Assembly Resolution 46/182 of...
Angola + 28 more
Rome, April 2001 Highlights The first forecast for world cereal output in 2001 is 1 889 million tonnes, almost 2 percent above 2000. Output of wheat is forecast at 585 million tonnes, unchanged from...
Afghanistan + 12 more
Issued weekly by the United Nations World Food Programme This report includes: (A) Global Resourcing status for EMOPs, PRROs and SOs (B) West and Central Asia: (1) Afghanistan, (2) Pakistan, (3)...
Revised Budget - Period covered: 16 November 2000 - 12 February 2001 The Lao Red Cross (LRC) / Federation operation in support of 42,000 disaster victims has been well supported. As a result, in...
Afghanistan + 15 more
This report includes: A) West and Central Asia: 1) Afghanistan, 2) Pakistan B) West Coastal Africa: Guinea, 2) Sierra Leone, 3) Liberia C) Great Lakes: 1) Burundi, Uganda, 3) Tanzania D) Horn of...
Cambodia + 2 more
1. OVERVIEW In September 2000, flooding which also affected neighbouring Cambodia and Vietnam devastated monsoon rice crops in central and southern parts of Lao PDR. The worst affected provinces were...
Guinea + 13 more
This report includes: A) West Africa: (1) Guinea, (2) Sierra Leone, (3) Liberia, (4) Guinea-Bissau B) West and Central Asia: (1) Afghanistan, (2) Tajikistan C) Great Lakes Region: (1) Burundi, (2)...
Afghanistan + 14 more
This report includes: (A) India (B) Western and Central Asia: (1) Afghanistan, (2) Tajikistan, (3) Pakistan , (4) Iran (C) Guinea (Conakry) (D) Horn of Africa: (1) Regional, (2) Kenya, (3) Ethiopia...
Afghanistan + 14 more
This report includes: (A) El Salvador (B) Mongolia (C) West and Central Asia: (1) Afghanistan, (2) Tajikistan, (3) Pakistan (D) West Africa Coastal: (1) Guinea, (2) Sierra Leone (E) DPR Korea (F)...
Cambodia + 6 more
Period covered: 1 July - 31 December 2000 During the second half of the year, the regional delegation, established in Bangkok, was able to undertake ambitious work plans in the areas of institutional...
Afghanistan + 12 more
This report includes: (A) World Hunger Map (B) West Africa Coastal: (1) Guinea, (2) Sierra Leone, (3) Liberia (C) Horn of Africa: (1) Kenya, (2) Eritrea (D)Angola (E) Great Lakes: (1) DR Congo, (2)...
Viet Nam + 2 more
Following the worst-flooding in 30 years, affecting eight million people, the Red Cross in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos is fully engaged in rehabilitation activities on behalf of thousands of families...