SCHOOL MEAL/FEEDING PROGRAM(S) School year: 2020–2021 • The National Project for Feeding Primary School Students – Project for the Development of School Canteens Lead Agency: The Ministry of...
SCHOOL MEAL/FEEDING PROGRAM(S) School year: 2020–2021 • The National Project for Feeding Primary School Students – Project for the Development of School Canteens Lead Agency: The Ministry of...
Kuwait + 4 more
UNHCR has been present in Kuwait since 1991. In 1996, UNHCR and the Government of Kuwait signed a Cooperation and Office Agreement, granting UNHCR privileges and immunities. UNHCR enjoys a...
Kuwait + 4 more
UNHCR has been presentin Kuwait since 1991. In 1996, UNHCR and the Government of Kuwaitsigned a Cooperation and Office Agreement, granting UNHCR privileges and immunities in the State of Kuwait...
In cooperation with the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Day (UN OCHA) and in conjunction with the World Humanitarian Day Kuwait, Kuwait City: Climate change is a complex...
Kuwait + 1 more
Kuwait 19th of August 2021 – On 19 of August of each year The United Nations likes to remind the world of the humanitarian situation faced by millions of people around the globe as a result of...
Strengthened cooperation will focus on food security, nutrition, agricultural and rural development in the Near East 4 December, 2019, Rome - FAO and the Government of Kuwait have agreed that the UN...
Kuwait + 6 more
Kuwait, June 13 (BNA): Kuwait Red Crescent Society (KRCS) Secretary General Maha Al-Barjas said that volunteer teams are spread in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, Yemen, the Philippines, Lebanon,...
KUWAIT CITY – The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) this week established its first office in the State of Kuwait. Based at the United Nations House in Kuwait City, the office will focus on...
Kuwait + 1 more
ANKARA, Oct 9 (KUNA) -- Kuwait's Al-Salam Humanitarian and Charity Society inaugurated on Monday a factory for tailoring and handicraft works for Syrian women refugees in the town of Sanliurfa in...
Kuwait + 1 more
The Kuwaiti Al-Najat Charity held on Thursday tests for Syrian children to assess their intellectual and educational levels prior to registration in private schools. These quizzes aim to help Syrian...
KUWAIT, May 2 (KUNA) -- The Ministry of Justice is planning to form a permanent national committee for international humanitarian law, the Minister of Justice said on Tuesday. Minister Dr. Faleh...
Kuwait + 1 more
The civil war in Syria has been going on for six years. The civilians are horribly affected from the events. According to official numbers over 400.000 people lost their lives. The relief aid cannot...
Overview The Health and Climate Change Country Profile Project forms the foundation of WHO’s monitoring of national and global progress on health and climate change. Working in collaboration with...
Kuwait + 5 more
By Abdelsalam Al-Salat KUWAIT, Aug 18 (KUNA) -- Through its efforts in helping people around the globe, the State of Kuwait will mark the United Nation's World Humanitarian Day on August 19th. In...
Kuwait + 2 more
Kuwait - In close coordination with the Government of Kuwait, IOM has provided Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR) services to two victims of human trafficking from Nigeria and Sierra...
Baghdad, 28 June 2015 – The Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Iraq (SRSG), Mr. Ján Kubiš, condemned the terrorist attack on Imam Al-Sadiq mosque in Kuwait city on...
Kuwait + 1 more
GENEVA, March 26 (KUNA) - - The State of Kuwait grants the International Labour Organization (ILO) half a million US dollars, bringing the State's total contributions dedicated to promoting decent...
Kuwait + 1 more
By Yusuf Al-Tattan WASHINGTON, March 25 (KUNA) -- Washington-based Syrian activists commended Kuwait's hosting of an upcoming donors' conference for the Syrian people, calling for helping Syrian...
The announcement by Kuwait that tens of thousands of stateless people in the country known as the Bidun might be able to obtain “economic citizenship” of the Union of the Comoros, an impoverished...
Following is UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s message to the celebration in honour of the Amir of Kuwait, delivered by Abdullah al Matouq, the Secretary-General’s Humanitarian Envoy for Kuwait, in...