À : Tous les membres et observateurs du Conseil des droits de l’homme des Nations unies Objet : Le Conseil des droits de l’homme des Nations Unies devrait créer de toute urgence un mandat indépendant...
International Service for Human Rights (ISHR) Updates
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Urgent Need for the UN Human Rights Council to Create an Independent Mandate to Investigate Rights Violations and Abuses by All Parties in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo
To: All members and observers of the United Nations Human Rights Council Re: Urgent Need for the UN Human Rights Council to Create an Independent Mandate to Investigate Rights Violations and Abuses...
Updated Q&As on the Establishment of an Independent International Accountability Mechanism for Afghanistan

Since 2021, Afghan and international civil society organizations, including WILPF, have called for an independent accountability mechanism to investigate and collect, analyse, and preserve evidence...
Lebanon + 1 more
Lettre conjointe d’ONG aux États membres de l’ONU sur la situation au Liban

Appel à la création d’un mécanisme d’enquête international sur les violations du droit international humanitaire commises par Israël et les autres parties au conflit Aujourd’hui, la Commission...
Lebanon + 1 more
Joint NGO Letter to UN Member States on the Situation in Lebanon [EN/AR]

Today, the ICJ and other non-governmental organizations call on Member States of the UN Human Rights Council to urgently convene a Special Session on the situation in Lebanon to establish an...
Carta Abierta de 2024 a los Representantes Permanentes ante las Naciones Unidas antes del Debate Abierto anual sobre Mujeres, Paz y Seguridad

Estimados Embajadores, Antes del debate abierto anual de este año sobre mujeres, paz y seguridad (MPS), y un año antes del vigésimo quinto aniversario de la Resolución 1325 (2000), nos dirigimos a...
Lettre ouverte de 2024 aux représentant.e.s permanents auprès des Nations Unies avant le débat ouvert annuel sur l’agenda Femmes, Paix et Sécurité

Chers ambassadeurs, chères ambassadrices, A l’approche du débat ouvert de cette année sur l’agenda femmes, paix et sécurité (WPS en anglais) et un an avant le 25è anniversaire de la résolution 1325...
2024 Open Letter to Permanent Representatives to the United Nations in advance of the annual Open Debate on Women, Peace and Security [EN/AR/RU]

In advance of the October 2024 Security Council Open Debate on Women, Peace and Security, this open letter was sent to UN Member States on behalf of 628 civil society signatories from 110 countries...
Venezuela: La ONU debe renovar el mandato de expertos independientes
Urge una rendición de cuentas internacional en medio de la intensificación de la represión postelectoral. El Consejo de Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas debe renovar el mandato de la Misión...
Venezuela: UN Rights Council should renew experts’ mandate
International Accountability Urgently Needed Amid Intensifying Post-Election Repression. The United Nations Human Rights Council should renew the mandate of its Independent International Fact-Finding...
Joint NGO Fact Sheet on Justice and Accountability for the Universal Periodic Review of Ethiopia

This document, compiled by the undersigned organizations, provides a summary of submissions made by civil society organizations in relation to Ethiopia’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) during the...
À un moment critique pour le Burundi, le mandat du Rapporteur spécial reste indispensable

Madame, Monsieur le Représentant permanent, Alors que de graves violations des droits humains continuent d’être commises au Burundi dans un contexte d’impunité généralisée et que le pays se prépare à...
At a critical juncture for Burundi, the Special Rapporteur’s mandate remains vital

To Permanent Representatives of Member and Observer States of the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council (Geneva, Switzerland) Excellencies, As serious human rights violations continue to be...
Open letter from international civil society organizations to the Minister for Penitentiary Services of Venezuela regarding detention conditions and possible torture at ‘Rodeo I’ prison [EN/ES]
Mr Julio García Zerpa Minister for Penitentiary Services Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Minister García Zerpa, The international civil society organizations that sign this letter are writing to you...
Sudan: UN Security Council must take urgent action to protect civilians
To Members of the United Nations Security Council, We are a group of 118 feminist, women’s human rights, and human rights groups and organizations, and we write to express our grave concern about the...
Joint Statement in Support of Progress toward a Crimes Against Humanity Treaty

The undersigned organizations and individuals — with representation from multiple geographic regions — express our support for a global convention on crimes against humanity, and urge states to...
Joint NGO letter calling for the renewal of the mandates of the SR and FFM on Iran [EN/FA]

TO: Member states of the United Nations Human Rights Council Your Excellency, We, the undersigned Iranian and international human rights organisations, call on your country to support the renewal of...
Venezuela: La escalada de represión del gobierno e intentos de evadir el escrutinio enfrentan el contundente rechazo de sociedad civil internacional
Las organizaciones internacionales abajo firmantes condenan fuertemente la anunciada expulsión del personal de la Oficina del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos...
Venezuela: The government’s escalating repression and attempts at evading scrutiny face resounding condemnation from International Civil Society
The undersigned international organizations strongly condemn the announced expulsion of the members of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in Venezuela, as...
Sudan: Rising Attacks against WHRDs and Women’s Rights Groups

Eight organisations, including FIDH and OMCT within the framework of the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, express their grave concern over the closure of civic space, attacks...