El crecimiento sigue sendas dispares en un contexto de gran incertidumbre política. Se prevé que el crecimiento mundial sea del 3,3% tanto en 2025 como en 2026, por debajo de la media histórica...
El crecimiento sigue sendas dispares en un contexto de gran incertidumbre política. Se prevé que el crecimiento mundial sea del 3,3% tanto en 2025 como en 2026, por debajo de la media histórica...
La croissance suit des trajectoires disparates à l’heure où de grandes incertitudes règnent autour des politiques économiques La croissance mondiale devrait s’établir à 3,3 % en 2025 comme en 2026,...
Growth on divergent paths amid elevated policy uncertainty Global growth is projected at 3.3 percent both in 2025 and 2026, below the historical (2000–19) average of 3.7 percent. The forecast for...
INCREASING HUMAN CAPITAL THROUGH GREATER ACCESS TO EDUCATION AND CLOSING GENDER GAPS IN EDUCATION Somalia experienced significant loss in human capital over two decades of civil strife. Education...
PAKISTAN: ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE AND THE ROAD AHEAD1 Pakistan’s economy and living standards have lagged behind its regional peers for well over a decade. This paper highlights several macroeconomic...
By Victoria Fan and Sanjeev Gupta International initiatives must complement, not duplicate, national health strategies Failure to learn from the response to COVID-19 could have grave consequences for...
CLIMATE CHANGE AND FOOD INSECURITY: OPTIONS FOR BUILDING RESILIENCE IN SIERRA LEONE Abstract: Sierra Leone is among the most vulnerable countries in the world to the hazards of climate change. The...
Global growth is expected to remain stable yet underwhelming Global growth is expected to remain stable yet underwhelming. However, notable revisions have taken place beneath the surface since April...
Overview Financial stability risks remain contained in the near term, although rising economic and geopolitical uncertainty increases the likelihood of adverse shocks, exposing fragilities. Chapter 1...
Joint Report Explores Scope for Coordinated Approaches on Climate Action, Carbon Pricing, and Policy Spillovers Washington, D.C, October 24, 2024- Five international organizations released on 23...
Les dirigeants du Fonds monétaire international (FMI), du Groupe de la Banque mondiale et de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS) se sont entendus sur les grands principes de coopération en...
Las máximas autoridades del Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI), el Grupo Banco Mundial y la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) han acordado los principios generales de cooperación en preparación...
The Heads of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank Group (WBG), and the World Health Organization (WHO) have agreed on broad principles for cooperation on pandemic preparedness. This...
CLIMATE CHANGE IMPACTS IN ESWATINI Climate change is affecting Eswatini in several ways. With over 70 percent of the population dependent on agriculture, the increased frequency of extreme weather...
SEA-LEVEL RISE IMPACTS AND ADAPTATION IN VANUATU Sea-level will continue to increase during this century directly caused by global warming and melting of terrestrial ice. While Vanuatu cannot control...
IMF Executive Board Concludes the 2024 Article IV Consultation with Uganda Uganda has navigated the post pandemic recovery well due to sound macroeconomic policies. The economic recovery is...
DESIGNING A SOVEREIGN WEALTH FUND FOR BOTSWANA: ISSUES AND POLICY OPTIONS This chapter discusses the rationale for and design of a new Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF) in Botswana. It reviews the causes...
Global growth broadly unchanged amid persistent services inflation Global growth is projected to be in line with the April 2024 World Economic Outlook (WEO) forecast, at 3.2 percent in 2024 and 3.3...
This paper on Guatemala was prepared by a staff team of the International Monetary Fund as background documentation for the periodic consultation with the member country. It is based on the...
This paper on the Republic of Congo was prepared by a staff team of the International Monetary Fund as background documentation for the periodic consultation with the Republic of Congo. It is based...