24 octobre 2024 Nous, les organisations soussignées, appelons tous les États membres des Nations unies à garantir un cessez-le-feu immédiat à Gaza, au Liban, en Israël et dans la région, et à mettre...
oPt + 2 more
24 octobre 2024 Nous, les organisations soussignées, appelons tous les États membres des Nations unies à garantir un cessez-le-feu immédiat à Gaza, au Liban, en Israël et dans la région, et à mettre...
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24 de octubre. Nosotras, las organizaciones abajo firmantes, hacemos un llamamiento a todos los Estados miembros de la ONU para que aseguren un alto el fuego inmediato en Gaza, Líbano, Israel y...
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We, the undersigned organisations, appeal to all UN member states to secure an immediate ceasefire across Gaza, Lebanon, Israel and the region, and to end the impunity that has allowed atrocities by...
This report seeks to contribute to a more strategic approach to integrating transitional justice and sustainable development. It aims to inform policy discussions at the 2023 SDG Summit and beyond,...
International and regional NGOs call on the international community and warring parties to address the demands in Yemen Declaration. On July 26, 2023, over 40 civil society organizations and victims...
UN: Create Body on Missing Syrians Groups Urge UN General Assembly to Establish New Unit (New York) – United Nations member countries should vote to establish a humanitarian body that will seek to...
Due to lack of judicial independence, international accountability, monitoring are key The United Nations Human Rights Council should renew the mandate of its Independent International Fact-Finding...
We, the undersigned organisations, write to urge UN Member States to ensure the adoption of a robust resolution to establish a Fact-Finding Mission or similar independent investigative mechanism on...
CAR + 2 more
Enrica Picco Being recognized as Central African and taking part in a new social contract based on inclusion were ultimately the two most prominent demands expressed by Muslim and Peuhl refugees...
Victims’ Views on Truth Seeking and Memorials in Nepal Take Center Stage in New Report from ICTJ and Martin Chautari Institute KATHMANDU, May 24, 2017—As Nepal’s two truth commissions face mounting...
World + 3 more
This fall, ICTJ will publish “Transitional Justice and Education: Learning Peace,” a new edited volume which explores the ways in which societies can harness education to address the legacies of past...
CTJ-UNICEF Panel: Education as Crucial Tool for Peace On January 21, ICTJ and UNICEF held a special event to launch an important new report on the links between education and transitional justice...
Introduction Since President Thein Sein and his government took office in 2011, Myanmar’s transition has unfolded at a pace that has surprised many and earned the acclaim of western governments,...
For decades, Lebanese governments have made only partial and ineffective attempts to hold powerful individuals, groups, and foreign states accountable for violations committed on Lebanese soil,...
Colombia + 3 more
Executive Summary This report examines how and to what extent transitional justice approaches have engaged children and considered their needs and perspectives, analyzing the experience of...
NAIROBI/NEW YORK, March 10, 2011-As a signatory to the Rome Statute, Kenya should continue to meet all of its obligations to cooperate with the International Criminal Court (ICC), the International...
Kenya: Beware of 'Constitution without Constitutionalism' NAIROBI/NEW YORK, Oct. 22, 2010-Kenya's new constitution holds great promise, but further steps need to be taken to ensure its success,...
KYRGYZSTAN MISSION REPORT MAY 30-JUNE 6, 2010 Marcie Mersky, Bogdan Ivaniševi?, Eugene Huskey Executive Summary During the last five years, Kyrgyzstan has experienced two popular uprisings-in March...
MONROVIA/NEW YORK, May 11, 2010-Despite serious weaknesses in the Liberia Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) report, accountability and victims' rights are critical to Liberia's recovery...
Le Cap (Afrique du Sud), 9 Octobre 2009 - La Commission d'enquête sur le massacre d'environ 150 personnes par des éléments de l'armée guinéenne, le 28 septembre 2009, doit être indépendant,...