08-December-2006, Brisbane, Indonesia-Relief -- Progress since 2004 Boxing Day disaster: End-2004 - Tsunamis and earthquakes leave 170,000 people dead or missing in Aceh and half a million homeless...
Indonesia-Relief.org (Indo-Relief) Updates
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Japan announces partial completion of Tsunami road
Jakarta, Indonesia-Relief -- The opening ceremony for the partial completion of the West Coast Road Rehabilitation Project was held in Calang on October 4. Mr. Shin Ebihara, Ambassador of Japan to...
Indonesia: Yudhoyono visits West Java tsunami zone
Pangandaran, Indonesia-Relief - President of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on Friday, 9.50 am, arrived at Nusawiru airport in Ciamis district. The airport is not far from Pangandaran beach...
Java tsunami death toll almost 400
Jakarta, Indonesia-Relief - On the third day after last Monday tsunami, according to Indonesian Ministry of Social Affair, total death victims has reached 396 people and another 700 peoples injured...
Indonesia: Java tsunami death toll reach 237
Jakarta, Indonesia-Relief -- Tsunami that hit southern coast of West Java and Central Java has killed more than 237 peoples. The biggest number of victims, 184 peoples, found in beach resort area of...
Indonesia: Freeport donates 1 billion for Java earthquake
The gold mining company PT Freeport Indonesia has provides donation of Rp 1 billion to the victims of Saturday earthquake. Similar amount of donation also provided by Indonesian conglomerate, Prayogo...
Indonesia: IOM hands over Dutch houses to tsunami survivors
Banda Aceh, Indonesia-Relief -- This Friday, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) handed over keys for newly constructed homes in Riverside village to the tsunami-devastated community...
UNHCR to import Mexican timbers for Nias
Gunung Sitoli, Indonesia-Relief -- A Shelter Working Group Meeting held last week at Aceh and Nias Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency (BRR)'s office in Nias finalized standardization codes for...
Indonesia: Finland to donate 8 million euros to Aceh
Helsinski, Indonesia-Relief -- After its country men succeeds in bring Aceh peace agreement, the Finnish Cabinet Finance Committee on Wednesday agreed to provide 8 million of euros to help rebuild...
Indonesia: ILO holds rural infrastructure clinic in Banda Aceh
Banda Aceh, Indonesia-Relief -- To support the rehabilitation and reconstruction of Aceh, in cooperation with government of Aceh province, International Labour Organization (ILO) will hold a Rural...
Indonesia: Triangle completes three fish markets in Aceh Besar
Lhoknga, Indonesia-Relief -- The Triangle Generation Humanitarie (TGH), a French NGO, has completed construction of 3 out of 4 planned fish auction markets (TPI) in Aceh Besar district. A ceremony to...
Indonesia: AWB helps rebuild 1,000 building in Aceh
San Fransisco, Indonesia-Relief -- Craig William, director of Architect Without Borders (AWB), said his organization will build or rebuild 1,000 building in Aceh, especially schools and orphanages...
Indonesia: ACTED to start new support phase in Nias
Jakarta, Indonesia-Relief -- The Afghan veteran NGO, Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (ACTED), in September will start information and public-awareness hygiene campaign in Lahewa,...
Indonesia: Foreign NGOs seek help to fund projects in Aceh and Nias
Jakarta, Indonesia-Relief - People say there are already huge money pouring into Aceh to help tsunami victims. But recently Aceh and Nias Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency (BRR) published a...
Indonesia: AusAID channels fund for Aceh through Asia Foundation
San Fransisco, Indonesia-Relief -- The Asia Foundation, the premier non-profit organization devoted to Asia's development since 1954, announced on Thursday that it has received a $4,900,000 AusAID...
Indonesia + 1 more
South Asia: UAE Sheikh donates $1.8 million to tsunami survivors
Abu Dhabi, Indonesia-Relief -- The Zayed Foundation for Charitable and Humanitarian Foundation has entered into an agreement with the Uni Arab Emirat Red Crescent Authority to set up charity projects...
Indonesia + 3 more
South Asia: Ernst & Young Indonesia develops tsunami accounting software
Colombo, Indonesia-Relief -- Ernst & Young Indonesia, as reported by Asian Tribune today, has developed a 'Tool Kit' to help organizations that provide humanitarian aid to Tsunami victims, to...
Indonesia: Chevron, USAID invite Acehnese youth to attend vocational training
Jakarta, Indonesia-Relief -- The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and Chevron Corporation are offering scholarships to over 300 Acehnese youth, aged 18-22, to attend three-month...
Indonesia: Canadian Red Cross rebuilds 700 homes in Aceh Besar
Jakarta, Indonesia-Relief -- The Canadian Red Cross (CRC) is currently implementing project to rebuild 700 homes in Kreung Raya, subdistrict of Mesjid Raya, Aceh Besar, near Aceh main port of...
Indonesia: Natural gas company completes construction of school in Lampuuk
Banda Aceh, Indonesia-Relief -- Indonesian natural gas company, PT Badak NGL, has completed reconstruction of SMP 2, a middle school in Lampuuk, Aceh Besar. Wahyudi, director of the natural gas...