REGIONAL SUMMARY: For the twelfth week of 2022, a total of 31 disasters (17 floods, 6 wind-related, 3 landslides, 3 earthquakes, 1 storm, and 1 volcano eruption) affected the region. Indonesia, the...
Indonesia + 3 more
REGIONAL SUMMARY: For the twelfth week of 2022, a total of 31 disasters (17 floods, 6 wind-related, 3 landslides, 3 earthquakes, 1 storm, and 1 volcano eruption) affected the region. Indonesia, the...
Indonesia + 2 more
JAPAN A series of earthquakes struck off the north-east coast of Japan on the evening of 16 March and morning of 17 March. The strongest was a 7.4M earthquake at a depth of 60km that struck at 23:36...
Indonesia + 4 more
Regional Summary For the eleventh week of 2022, a total of 52 disasters (35 floods, 6 landslides, 4 storms, and 7 wind-related) affected the region. Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand,...
Indonesia + 2 more
PAPUA NEW GUINEA Volcanic activity has been reported on Manam Island, off the north-east coast of Papua New Guinea’s mainland. Volcanic eruptions began on 8 March, when a plume of volcanic ash...
Indonesia + 2 more
REGIONAL SUMMARY: For the tenth week of 2022, a total of 34 disasters (25 floods, 4 landslides, 4 wind-related, and 1 volcanic eruption) affected the region. Indonesia, the Philippines, and Malaysia...
This map illustrates satellite-detected landslides in Mount Talakmau, Pasaman & Pasaman Barat dsitricts, Indonesia as observed from a Sentinel-2 satellite imagery acquired on 04 March 2022 at 10:48...
Myanmar + 2 more
MYANMAR The security and humanitarian situation across Shan State remained fragile during the reporting period, with armed clashes reported between the Myanmar Armed Forces (MAF) and various Ethnic...
Indonesia + 2 more
REGIONAL SUMMARY: For the ninth week of 2022, a total of 33 disasters (22 floods, 3 landslides, 5 windrelated, and 3 storms) affected the region. Indonesia, the Philippines, and Thailand have...
Myanmar + 3 more
MYANMAR In southeast Myanmar, armed clashes between the Myanmar Armed Forces (MAF) and ethnic armed organisations (EAOs), and People’s Defence Forces (PDFs) have escalated during the reporting...
REGIONAL SUMMARY: For the eighth week of 2022, a total of 40 disasters (1 earthquake, 22 floods, 6 landslides, 2 storms, and 9 wind-related) affected the region. Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand...
Philippines + 2 more
PHILIPPINES On 16 February, military operations against the non-state armed group New People’s Army in Loreto, Agusan del Sur, resulted in the displacement of 6,600 people. A number of displaced...
Tonga + 2 more
TONGA One month since the 15 January eruption of the Hunga Tonga Hunga Ha’apai volcano and subsequent tsunami, more than 30,600 people have been reached with water, sanitation and hygiene assistance...
Indonesia + 1 more
REGIONAL SUMMARY: For the sixth week of 2022, a total of 23 disasters (20 floods, 2 landslides, and 1 wind-related) affected the region. Indonesia has reportedly been affected. Heavy rainfall has...
Philippines + 3 more
TONGA The National Emergency Management Office and partners continue contactless relief efforts to support those affected by the 15 January eruption of the Hunga Tonga Hunga Ha’apai volcano and the...
Indonesia + 2 more
REGIONAL SUMMARY: For the fifth week of 2022, a total of 36 disasters (16 floods, 5 landslides, 14 windrelated, and 1 storm) affected the region. Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines have...
Indonesia + 1 more
REGIONAL SUMMARY: For the fourth (4th) week of 2022, a total of 20 disasters (6 floods, 1 landslides, 1 storm, and 12 wind-related) affected the region. Indonesia and the Philippines have reportedly...
Indonesia + 1 more
REGIONAL SUMMARY: For the third (3rd) week of 2022, a total of 38 disasters (26 floods, 5 landslides, 1 storm, and 6 wind-related) affected the region. Indonesia and Thailand have reportedly been...
Tonga + 3 more
TONGA An eruption of the Hunga Tonga Hunga Ha-apai underwater volcano on 15 January caused a tsunami and ash fall in Tonga, with a 5km wide and 20km high plume of ash, steam and gas. The eruption was...
Indonesia + 1 more
REGIONAL SUMMARY: For the second week of 2022, a total of 36 disasters (24 floods, 4 landslides, 6 wind-related, 2 earhquakes) affected the region. Indonesia and the Philippines have reportedly been...
Philippines + 3 more
MYANMAR Armed clashes have intensified between the Myanmar Armed Forces (MAF) and various local People’s Defence Forces (PDFs) across northwest and southeast Myanmar. This has resulted in further...