GLIDE n=B0 FL-2006-000192-IDN Period covered by this final report: 1 January to 31 May 2009; Appeal target (current): CHF 520,632 (USD 496,929 or EUR 318,903); Appeal coverage: 100%; Appeal history: ...
Indonesia: Floods - Dec 2006 Updates
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Indonesia: Sumatra Floods Emergency Appeal No. MDRID002 Operations Update No. 4
Period covered by this Operations Update: 1 June to 31 December, 2008 Appeal target (current): CHF 520,632 (USD 496,929 or EUR 318,903) Appeal coverage: 100%; Appeal history: - Request for assistance...
Indonesia: Annual report 2007
Introduction With half a century of existence and extensive worldwide operational experience, IOM has become the leading Intergovernmental Organization working with migrants and governments to...
Indonesia: Sumatra Floods Appeal No. MDRID002 Operations Update No. 3
Period covered by this Operations Update: 1 January to 30 May, 2008; Appeal target (current): CHF 520,632 (USD 496,929 or EUR 318,903)1; Appeal coverage: 100% Appeal history: - Request for assistance...
Indonesia: Sumatra Floods Appeal No. MDRID002 Operations Update No. 2
Period covered by this Ops Update: 1 March 2007 to 31 December 2007; Appeal target (current): CHF 700,000 (USD 636,034 or EUR 433,813); Appeal coverage: 73%; Appeal history: - Request for assistance...
Indonesia: Aceh flood - Damage and loss assessment
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In late December 2006, widespread flooding struck eastern and central Aceh and parts of neighboring North Sumatra province. Seven Acehnese districts were affected: Aceh Tamiang,...
Indonésie : Retour sur l'intervention d'urgence à Sumatra
Fin décembre 2006, le Nord Ouest de l'île de Sumatra a été frappé par des pluies diluviennes qui ont entraîné de graves inondations et dévasté plus de 200 villages. Deux membres de l'équipe d'ACF sur...
Indonesia + 1 more
India/Indonesia: Hotline 30 Apr 2007
(extract) - CWS assisting families affected by severe flooding in Indonesia - Families gain new homes in post-tsunami reconstruction in India Indonesia While flood waters have receded from the...
CWS/ERP Emergency Appeal: Indonesia (Tamiang, Sumatra) floods
Appeal #6986 Appeal amount: $228,960 SITUATION: Massive floods following torrential rains during the final weeks of December 2006 devastated Langkat District in Indonesia's NorthSumatraProvinceas...
India + 8 more
Federation Secretariat Tsunami Progress Report Appeal No.28/2004: 2005 - 2006
In brief This report focuses on the main events of 2006 but reports progress from December 26, 2004 up through December 31, 2006. Global objectives: The Regional Strategy and Operational Framework...
Indonesia: 100 days after the Aceh floods, final clean-up before moving back home
Kuala Simpang, Aceh, Indonesia - Indonesia, 30 March 2007 - After helping over 20,000 people to recover from the December floods in the worst affected district of Aceh Tamiang, the last displaced...
Indonesia flood relief
Flash floods in December 2006 have left over 200,000 persons in Aceh, Indonesia homeless. Whole villages were swallowed and homes washed away. In the worst-hit district of Aceh Tamiang, more than...
Indonesia: Sumatra Floods Appeal No. MDRID002 Operations Update No. 1
The Federation's mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity. It is the world's largest humanitarian organization and its millions of volunteers are...
Distribution alimentaire en Indonésie
Le Secours populaire soutenu par ses partenaires en Indonésie, a organisé une distribution alimentaire dans le village de Poncol, aux victimes des inondations. En décembre dernier, une série de...
Indonesia's dengue death toll reaches 330
JAKARTA, Feb 20, 2007 (Xinhua via COMTEX) -- Total death number of seasonal dengue fever in Indonesia since January this year has reached 330 out of 23,000 infected people, the Health Ministry said...
Indonesia + 6 more
Health action in crises - Highlights No 145 - 12 to 18 Feb 2007
Each week, the World Health Organization Department for Health Action in Crises in Geneva produces information highlights on the health aspects of selected humanitarian crises. Drawing on the various...
U.S. provides additional emergency flood assistance to Indonesia
Washington, D.C. - The U.S. Government, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), has provided an additional $100,000 to support emergency flood relief efforts in the Indonesian...
Floods in North, East and Central Aceh & North Sumatra: UNORC Field Situation Report 09 Feb 2007
This report is based on information received from local government authorities, UN/NGO teams in relevant locations and the media reporting. General Situation The United Nations is responding to the...
Ethiopia + 12 more
OCHA - Geneva Natural Disaster Highlights No. 6

AFRICA HORN OF AFRICA FLOODS Unusually heavy rains during the months of October and November have turned large parts of the Horn of Africa into flood disaster areas with loss of life, massive...
Indonésie / Djakarta : Inondations, intervention d'urgence d'Action contre la Faim
Depuis le 1er février, des pluies diluviennes s'abattent sur la capitale indonésienne et sa région. Elles ont entraîné une crue dévastatrice. On compte des dizaines de victimes, plus de 330 000...