Please refer to the attached Map.
World + 10 more
Please refer to the attached Map.
Please refer to the attached Map.
A Post-Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) is being led by the Government of the State of Kerala and conducted jointly by the UN, the EU and the World Bank. It aims to assess the impact of the floods on...
DPRK + 4 more
DPR KOREA On 24 August, Tropical Storm Soulik caused extremely heavy rainfall, resulting in heavy flooding in Kangwon and South Hamgyong provinces. Munchon city was worst affected with 10 reported...
Please refer to the attached Map.
Please refer to the attached Map.
Please refer to the attached Map.
Please refer to the attached Map.
Indonesia + 6 more
INDIA As of 21 August, one million people remain in relief camps following flooding in Kerala. While flood waters have begun to recede, the situation has designated an L3 level of Disaster under the...
Please refer to the attached Map.
Please refer to the attached Map.
Please refer to the attached Map.
Please refer to the attached Map.
India + 5 more
INDIA As of 19 August, the worst flooding since 1924 in Kerala state has caused 361 deaths with 725,000 people displaced to relief camps. More than 233,179 people were evacuated and damage caused by...
Please refer to the attached Map.
China + 9 more
ASEAN Region –Mo n s o o n alFlo o d in g Po ten tialLan d s lid eExpo s u re,3Au gu s t 2018
Please refer to the attached Map.
Bangladesh + 1 more
This map illustrates satellite-detected surface water extent in the northeastern parts of Bangladesh (Sylhet distric) & India (Assam, Tipura and Mizoram states) using a Sentinel satellite image...