In recent decades, the small island developing state of St. Lucia has made significant strides in its development, due in no small part to major investments in its national infrastructure. Yet today,...
Hurricane Tomas - Oct 2010 Updates
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Preparing for the unexpected: Saint Lucia’s business continuity planning for disasters
Saint Lucia, like many Caribbean countries, is prone to climate-induced weather events, including hurricanes, flooding, droughts, and wildfires. Loss of natural vegetation has exacerbated the...
La red Cáritas se moviliza en Haití para prestar ayuda humanitaria a las víctimas del terremoto
La red Cáritas se ha movilizado rápidamente para coordinar su respuesta humanitaria urgente a los graves efectos del nuevo terremoto de magnitud 7,2 en la escala Richter que el pasado sábado asoló la...
Making Small Island Developing States More Climate Resilient
Infrastructure is a key element in ensuring Small Island Developing States can weather the impacts of climate change. Here’s why – and how to do it. Small Island Developing States don’t need to be...
Advancing Disaster Risk Finance in Saint Lucia

The objective of this report is to make recommendations for the Government of Saint Lucia (GoSL) for the formulation of a country-specific comprehensive disaster risk finance (DRF) strategy, based on...
CNE ha financiado más de ₡ 7 mil millones en atención de emergencias en la zona Sur
Balance de atención de emergencias en el Sur: En Corredores y Coto Brus se han invertido más de₡ 5 mil millones en proyectos vía decretos por Tomás y Otto. En acciones operativas se destinaron más de...
How a Devastating Hurricane Led to St. Vincent's First Sustainability School
By Kenton X. Chance KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent, Mar 30 2017 (IPS) - In the 1980s, an institution for troubled Danish youth and a vocational school for Vincentians was built in Richmond Vale, an...
World + 14 more
Caribbean Human Development Report - Multidimensional progress: human resilience beyond income

Latin America and the Caribbean is a diverse region and does not follow a single pattern of development. This Report is separated into two volumes which share the same narrative: the Regional Human...
Trough system Versus Hurricane Tomas...Which Was Worst?
Tue, 2013-12-31 14:46 -- marcathian.alexander Vina Frederick Since the devastating trough on Christmas Eve, it has been debated whether the damages the island sustained are on par with or surpasses...
Inversión de ₡1.600 millones de la CNE reactivan la economía de Acosta
La inversión responde a las obras afectadas por la Tormenta “Tomas” San José, 12 de diciembre del 2013. Una inversión por parte de la Comisión Nacional de Prevención de Riesgos y Atención de...
World + 3 more
"We in the Caribbean Are Living Climate Change"
By Desmond Brown MOCHO, Jamaica, Dec 10 2013 (IPS) - The Mocho Mountains that run through the centre of Jamaica were once covered by lush tropical forests that helped control rainfall. Now, much of...
Haïti : Aperçu humanitaire (30 septembre 2013)

Besoins humanitaires critiques pour 2013 (assistance aux personnes déplacées, épidémie de choléra, insécurité alimentaire, malnutrition et catastrophes naturelles)
Un programme d’aide alimentaire pour Haïti, mais qui aide les fermiers des Etats-Unis
Enquête Article 1 d’une série de 6 P-au-P., 10 oct. 2013 [Ayiti Je Kale / AlterPresse] --- Malgré les affirmations contraires, un programme d’« essai » de bons alimentaires dans le département de la...
Haiti: Humanitarian Funding (as of 30 September 2013) [EN/FR]

Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Haiti: Humanitarian Snapshot (30 September 2013)

Critical humanitarian needs for 2013 ( assistance to IDPs, response to the cholera epidemic, food insecurity and malnutrition and natural disasters)
Haiti: Humanitarian Snapshot (September 2013) [EN/FR]

Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Haiti: Humanitarian Funding (as of 04 September 2013) [EN/FR]

Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Haiti: Humanitarian Funding (as of 01 August 2013) [EN/FR]

Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Haiti: Humanitarian Snapshot (July 2013) [EN/FR]

Critical humanitarian needs for 2013 (assistance to IDPs, response to cholera epidemic, food insecurity and malnutrition and natural disasters)
Haiti: Humanitarian Funding (as of 6 June 2013) [EN/FR]

Please refer to the attached Infographic.