James Keasley, Oyinlola Oyebode, Saran Shantikumar, William Proto, Majel McGranahan, Amar Sabouni, Farah Kidy Abstract Introduction Globally, a record number of people are affected by humanitarian...
World + 24 more
James Keasley, Oyinlola Oyebode, Saran Shantikumar, William Proto, Majel McGranahan, Amar Sabouni, Farah Kidy Abstract Introduction Globally, a record number of people are affected by humanitarian...
Technical Report Background and Purpose of this study With more than 90% of its population exposed to natural disasters, Haiti is an extremely vulnerable country. In January 2017, Haiti was ranked as...
World + 6 more
INTRODUCTION Disasters have triggered around 265 million displacements since IDMC began collecting data on the phenomenon in 2008, more than three times the figure for conflict and violence. Given...
Hurricane Ike, the most destructive hurricane in Cuban history, hit the island in September 2008. Ike is estimated to be the costliest storm in Cuba, with material damages alone believed to have cost...
World + 34 more
Countries in the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region are highly vulnerable to a range of natural hazards, including droughts, earthquakes, forest fires, floods, hurricanes, and volcanic...
World + 20 more
Geneva, 11 July 2014 (WMO) - Weather, climate and water-related disasters are on the rise worldwide, causing loss of life and setting back economic and social development by years, if not decades...
Des puits à pompes manuelles sont en cours de forage dans trois communes rurales proches de Saint-Marc (Artibonite), afin d’améliorer l’accès à l’eau pour 5 000 personnes. « Les citoyens devaient...
Cinq ans après les catastrophes naturelles qui avaient dévasté la Cité de l’Indépendance, Gonaïves renait. Asphaltage des rues, construction de canaux et de ponceaux : depuis octobre 2012, la ville...
By Ivet González HAVANA, May 30, 2012 (IPS) - The sudden shift from drought to heavy rainfall that caused severe flooding in central Cuba drove home to the authorities the need to redesign...
HAVANA, May 24, 2012 (IPS) - In Los Palacios, a farming community in the western Cuban province of Pinar del Río, local residents are still working hard to rebuild after the damage caused by two of...
Débutés à la mi-août, trois projets d’infrastructures financés par la Section Réduction de la Violence Communautaire (RVC) de la MINUSTAH, mis en œuvre par l’Organisation Internationale pour les...
Objectives: The purpose of the evaluation is to take stock of the ERRF since its 2008 activation in Haiti and to provide feedback on its relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and connectedness to...
El "Plan 2008-2010 de apoyo de España a las labores de recuperación de Cuba tras el paso de los huracanes Gustav y Ike", cuenta con un marco presupuestario global de 24,5 millones de euros Como...
GLIDE no. TC-2008-000147 Period covered by this Final Report: 5 September 2008 to 5 November 2009. Appeal target: The budget sought CHF 8,475,870 (USD 7,895,768 or EUR 5,539,350) in cash, kind or...
By Chris Herlinger/CWS Petite Riviere de l'Artibonite, Haiti-It was nearing the end of another hot, sunny day near Petite Riviere in the northern department, or province, of Artibonite, and Arnold...
Cuba + 2 more
This report covers the period 01 January 2009 to 31 December 2009. In brief Programme purpose: The Latin Caribbean Regional Representation implements the strategy outlined in the Federation of the...
Haïti - Des efforts sont déployés à travers Haïti en préparation des tempêtes tropicales et des ouragans qui constituent cette année un danger particulier en raison du million et demi de personnes...
Efforts are being stepped up across Haiti in preparation for a summer of tropical storms and hurricanes, which this year pose a particular danger because of the 1.5 million displaced people living in...
(Port au Prince/New York, 1 June 2010): The formal start of the hurricane season today - predicted to be even worse than usual - heralds a new and potentially worse crisis in the ongoing humanitarian...
(Port-au Prince/New York, 1 juin): La saison des ouragans, qui commence officiellement aujourd'hui et s'annonce encore pire que d'accoutumée, pourrait créer une nouvelle crise au moment o=F9 la...