What are Emergency Medical Teams (EMTs)? EMTs are organized groups of health professionals, such as doctors, nurses, and paramedics, that help to provide essential and life-saving health care to...
Antigua and Barbuda + 35 more
What are Emergency Medical Teams (EMTs)? EMTs are organized groups of health professionals, such as doctors, nurses, and paramedics, that help to provide essential and life-saving health care to...
El Salvador + 2 more
A new report from the Wilson Center’s Latin America Program explores the impacts of extreme weather events on three Central American countries—El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras—and the efforts of...
1 INTRODUCCIÓN Los siguientes Términos de Referencia (TdR) han sido adoptados para orientar las operaciones de la Plataforma de Coordinación del Sector Educación en emergencias de Honduras en la...
Human Rights Council Fifty-sixth session 18 June–12 July 2024 Agenda item 3 Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right...
World + 24 more
This thematic evaluation, commissioned by the Regional Bureau for Latin American and the Caribbean (RBP), examines the work carried out by the World Food Programme (WFP) in Shock-Responsive Social...
Tres años después del paso de los huracanes Eta y Iota, que provocaron pérdidas y desplazamientos, una comunidad cerca de San Pedro Sula se prepara para el próximo desastre. Por Gabriela Villeda...
Three years after experiencing huge losses and displacement from Hurricanes Eta and Iota, a community near San Pedro Sula is determined to be ready for the next disaster. By Gabriela Villeda Castillo...
Guatemala + 1 more
How Drought- and Storm-Intensifified Hardships Drive People to Risk Everything to Reach the US Four tortillas, five cans of beans, jalapeños, and sausage, and a gallon of water—that is what smugglers...
Guatemala + 1 more
La sequía y las tormentas intensififican las difificultades que llevan a la gente a arriesgarlo todo para llegar a Estados Unido Cuatro tortillas, cinco latas de frijoles, jalapeños, salchichas y un...
Por Beverly Goldberg En el Valle del Sula, en Honduras, muchas personas han sufrido desplazamientos, violencia endémica y desastres naturales. Esta zona, en el norte de Honduras cerca de la frontera...
Haiti + 1 more
Introduction In Central America, North America and the Caribbean, the effects of natural disasters, climate change, violence, and insecurity drive internal displacement as people move to seek safety...
In the Valle del Sula, in Honduras, many people have experienced displacement, endemic violence, and natural disasters. This area, in the north of Honduras close to the border with Guatemala, has...
World + 27 more
Septuagésimo octavo período de sesiones Tema 72 a) del programa Fortalecimiento de la coordinación de la asistencia humanitaria y de socorro en casos de desastre que prestan las Naciones Unidas,...
World + 27 more
Soixante-dix-huitième session Point 72 a) de l’ordre du jour Renforcement de la coordination de l’aide humanitaire et des secours en cas de catastrophe fournis par les organismes des Nations Unies, y...
World + 27 more
Seventy-eighth session Agenda item 72 (a) Strengthening of the coordination of humanitarian and disaster relief assistance of the United Nations, including special economic assistance: strengthening...
De 2020 a 2022, el 21.1% de la población de Guatemala se vio afectada por una grave inseguridad alimentaria, con una brecha alimentaria de género de 0.3 millones. Según un estudio realizado por CARE...
From 2020 to 2022, 21.1% of Guatemala’s population was affected by severe food insecurity, with a gender food gap of 0.3 million. According to a study conducted by CARE in Guatemala in 2022 in...
Haiti + 17 more
El número de niños, niñas y adolescentes en movimiento en América Latina y el Caribe alcanza nuevo récord, en medio de la violencia, inestabilidad y cambio climático Una de cada cuatro personas en...
Haiti + 17 more
Number of migrant children moving across Latin America and the Caribbean hits new record amid violence, instability and climate change One in four people on the move in Latin America and the...
Honduras + 1 more
Response Plan Overview PEOPLE IN NEED 3.2M TARGET POPULATION 2.1M FINANCIAL REQUIREMENT (US$) 280.4M OPERATING PARTNERS 48 PROJECTS 96 During 2021, the humanitarian needs analysis revealed that 2.8M...