Introduction to the Aid Worker Security Database (AWSD) The AWSD is a publicly available database that records major incidents of violence against aid workers. It is global in scope, collecting...
Introduction to the Aid Worker Security Database (AWSD) The AWSD is a publicly available database that records major incidents of violence against aid workers. It is global in scope, collecting...
Since the beginning of the year, 25 aid workers have been killed in Sudan, putting 2024 on track to be the deadliest year for aid workers in Sudan ever recorded. Kidnappings/abductions have also...
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By Meriah-Jo Breckenridge, Monica Czwarno, Mariana Duque-Díez, Adelicia Fairbanks, Paul Harvey, and Abby Stoddard In a year marked by high civilian casualties and record numbers of aid workers...
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In 2023, more aid workers died by violence than in any previous year on record, with 280 fatalities reported in 33 countries. More than half of these deaths (163) were aid workers killed in the first...
Resumen ejecutivo Una cantidad cada vez mayor de personas se ven afectadas por conflictos y desastres, lo que genera mayores necesidades humanitarias. El sector humanitario, que ya se encuentra al...
Synthèse Un nombre croissant de personnes sont touchées par des conflits et des catastrophes, ce qui entraîne une augmentation des besoins humanitaires. Déjà mis à rude épreuve par le grand nombre de...
By Nigel Timmins, Manisha Thomas, Manuela Kurkaa Bejarano Increasing numbers of people are being affected by conflicts and disasters, resulting in greater humanitarian needs. Already stretched thin...
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Introducción Esta guía y herramienta para la toma de decisiones éticas se desarrolló a raíz de un estudio de 2023 que analizaba los dilemas éticos en Afganistán.1 El estudio encontró que los...
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Préface Le présent manuel et outil d’aide à une prise de décision fondée sur l’éthique a été élaboré à la suite d’une étude menée en 2023 sur les dilemmes éthiques en Afghanistan.1 L’étude a révélé...
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By Nigel Timmins, Manisha Thomas Humanitarians often face difficult ethical dilemmas: from immediate operational choices to bigger strategic questions. A dilemma is defined by the need to choose...
Beyond the cost in human lives and suffering, and the instability it brings to the wider region, the war in Gaza has had serious repercussions for international humanitarian law (IHL) and norms...
By Abby Stoddard, Adelicia Fairbanks, Monica Czwarno, Meriah-Jo Breckenridge, Mariana Duque-Diez, Lisa Reilly, As a subject of humanitarian policy and practice, security risk management (SRM) has...
Como un asunto de la política y práctica humanitaria, la gestión de riesgos de seguridad (GRS) se ha convertido en un campo de operación creciente y activo, aunque poco estudiado. En las últimas dos...
La gestion des risques de sécurité (GRS), comme sujet de politique et de pratique humanitaires, est un domaine d’opération actif et en pleine expansion, mais il reste pour l’essentiel peu étudié...
Summary The current conflict in Sudan, with its rapid escalation and large-scale violence, stands out among recent crises for the severity of its humanitarian impact. Despite being overshadowed on...
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Survey on Coverage, Operational Reach, and Effectiveness With our partner, GeoPoll , Humanitarian Outcomes surveyed crisis-affected populations in thefollowing years and locations: 2019 - Afghanistan...
By Peter Hailey, Irina Mosel, Daniel Maxwell, Nisar Majid, Khaliif Cabdullaahi, Gudad Aden, Shamsa Hasan, Partha Moman, Patricia Sampedro, Nancy Balfour Somalia’s most recent humanitarian crisis...
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This year’s Aid Worker Security Report discusses the trend of localised security risk reflected in the latest verified data, and examines an area of security risk management that exemplifies the...
Haiti’s humanitarian crisis has resulted from a political and economic implosion, compounded by natural shocks, but with consequences similar to major armed conflicts – including severe constraints...
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Overall, attacks against aid workers were marginally lower in 2022, but there was a significant surge in kidnappings. A total of 439 aid workers fell victim to violence in 230 separate attacks, with...