Tegucigalpa, 02 de diciembre de 2024.- La Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM) en Honduras y la Secretaría de Estado en el despacho de Educación de Honduras (SEDUC) celebran un hito...
Honduras Updates
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ACT Alliance Alert note - Honduras, Floodings caused by Tropical Storm Sara (November 15, 2024)
Completed by: Maria Amparo Peña, CASM Date completed: November 18, 2024. Forum: ACT Forum Honduras Type of emergency: Flooding due to Tropical Storm Sara Date of emergency (if rapid onset): November...
Honduras: Floods - DREF Operation (MDRHN024)
Description of the Event Date of event 15-11-2024 What happened, where and when? Tropical Storm Sara began as a low-pressure system in the western Caribbean around November 11, 2024. From its...
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Start Fund to help with floodings in Honduras
Through the Start Fund the UK has supported the allocation of £150,000 (US$195,000) to assist the floodings emergency in Honduras. Funds will be allocated to the organization CADENA which will be...
Honduras: Tormenta Tropical Sara - Flash Update No. 1 (al 18 de noviembre del 2024)
Resumen de la Situación 7 departamentos declarados en alerta roja, 4 en alerta amarilla y el resto del país (6 departamentos) en alerta verde por un periodo de 24 horas 85 municipios afectados,...
Honduras: Tormenta Tropical Sara - Mapa de presencia operacional de la Red Humanitaria (22 de noviembre del 2024)
Honduras: Tormenta Tropical Sara - Flash Update No. 2 (al 21 de noviembre del 2024)
Honduras: Tormenta Tropical Sara - Flash Update No. 2 (al 21 de noviembre del 2024)
Resumen de la Situación 4 departamentos en alerta roja, 5 en alerta amarilla y el resto del país (9 departamentos) en alerta verde por frente frio 98 municipios afectados, 247,010 personas afectadas...
ADAM (Advanced Disaster Analysis & Mapping) Flood Impact Analysis, Honduras Update #2 (23 November 2024)
Please refer to the attached Map.
UNICEF Honduras Humanitarian Situation Report No. 01 (Tropical Storm SARA) - 21 November 2024
Highlights Estimations show 113,067 children (57,424 boys and 55,643 girls) have been affected by Tropical Storm Sara, positioning them as the most impacted population group in this emergency,...
Natural Hazards Monitoring - 22 November 2024
Tropical Storm Sara Honduras (Update) On 21 November 2024, the Risk and Contingency Management Secretariat of Honduras (COPECO per its acronym in Spanish) provided updated information on Tropical...
Honduras | Floods caused by Tropical Storms - Early Action Protocol Activation (EAP2023HN03, Operation №: MDRHN020), 14 November 2024
Activation Overview The Honduran Red Cross has activated its Early Action Plan for Floods associated with Tropical Storms. On 13 November, monitoring began for a disturbance that was located about...
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Emergency Assistance to the Republic of Honduras in Response to the Tropical Storm Sara
Today, November 19, upon the request of the Government of the Republic of Honduras, the Government of Japan has decided to provide emergency relief goods (tents, blankets, plastic sheets, portable...
Honduras + 2 more
Natural Hazards Monitoring - 18 November 2024
Natural Hazards Monitoring - 18 November 2024 Hurricane Season 2024 Tropical Storm Sara Costa Rica, Honduras and Nicaragua (Update) On 16 November 2024, the Costa Rica National Commission for Risk...
Honduras + 6 more
Central America - Tropical storm SARA, update (GDACS, NOAA-CPC, UN OCHA) (ECHO Daily Flash of 19 November 2024)
Tropical Storm SARA dissipated over the southern Gulf of Mexico after it made landfall on 14 November close to the Honduras-Nicaragua border and crossed Belize and south-eastern Mexico on 17-18...
Honduras + 6 more
Centroamérica: Tormenta Tropical Sara - Flash Update No. 2 (al 18 de noviembre 2024)
DESTACADOS La Tormenta Tropical Sara, que tocó tierra el 14 de noviembre cerca de la frontera entre Honduras y Nicaragua y cruzó Belice el 17 de noviembre con vientos de 65 km/h, se ha disipado, pero...
Honduras + 6 more
Central America: Tropical Storm Sara - Flash Update No. 2 (as of 18 November 2024)
KEY MESSAGES Tropical Storm Sara, which made landfall on 14 November near the Honduras-Nicaragua border and crossed Belize on 17 November with winds of 65 km/h, has since dissipated, but ongoing...
Honduras + 8 more
Honduras Informe Operacional 33 - Septiembre 2024
Cifras clave de la población Desplazamiento interno +247.000 personas han sido desplazadas internamente en Honduras como consecuencia de la violencia generalizada entre 2004 y 2018. Las cifras...
Honduras + 8 more
Honduras Operational Update 33 - September 2024
Population figures Internal displacement +247,000 people have been internally displaced in Honduras as a result of generalized violence between 2004 and 2018. Numbers could be higher in 2024, as...
Honduras + 5 more
Central America | Tropical Storm SARA - DG ECHO Daily Map | 18/11/2024
Please refer to the attached Map.
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Natural Hazards Monitoring - 15 November 2024
Hurricane Season 2024 Tropical Storm Sara Honduras On 15 November 2024, the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reported that Tropical Storm Sara is lingering near...