Partout dans le monde, les conflits, les catastrophes climatiques et les difficultés économiques privent des millions d’enfants de l’accès à une éducation de qualité. Plus de 234 millions d’enfants...
Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Updates
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World + 3 more
Education Cannot Wait & Global Partnership for Education: Two complementary global funds responding to the global education crisis
ECW and GPE support quality education for children affected by crisis Around the world, conflicts, climate disasters and economic hardship are depriving millions of children of access to quality...
Cambodge : le soutien du GPE a amélioré la planification pour favoriser une éducation plus équitable
Le Cambodge a participé à deux évaluations du soutien octroyé au pays par le GPE, qui ont permis de démontrer la manière dont le partenariat a aidé le pays à renforcer son système éducatif. Depuis...
Cambodia: GPE support has enabled stronger planning for more equitable education
Cambodia participated in two evaluations of GPE support, shedding light on how the partnership has helped strengthen the country's education system. Since joining GPE in 2006, Cambodia’s progress...
Le groupe de K-Pop W24 se joint au GPE et aux jeunes du monde entier pour réclamer davantage de financement pour l’éducation
WASHINGTON D.C./Séoul, le 21 janvier 2025 – À l’approche de la Journée internationale de l’éducation, le groupe de rock coréen W24 se joint à la campagne « Répondez à l’appel » du Partenariat mondial...
K-Pop group W24 joins GPE & youth around the world in calling for more education financing
WASHINGTON D.C./Seoul, January 21, 2025 – Ahead of the International Day of Education, Korean rock band W24 joins the Global Partnership for Education “Answer the Call” campaign to sound the alarm on...
GPE 2024 en cifras
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GPE 2024 en chiffres
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GPE 2024 in numbers
Data from GPE Secretariat/Results Report 2024 December 2024 The education crisis 251 million children and youth are out of school worldwide. 7 OUT OF 10 children in low- and middle-income countries...
Djibouti + 13 more
GPE in the Middle East and North Africa, November 2024 [EN/AR]
Quality education equips individuals and nations for the future. The level and relevance of learning and skills gained today will dictate an individual’s employment, wealth and wellbeing tomorrow...
Solomon Islands + 1 more
A transformed education system - an investment in improved teaching and learning in Solomon Islands
Honiara, Solomon Islands, 24 October 2024 – The Solomon Islands Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development, in partnership with UNICEF, the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade...
South Sudan: Rebuilding a nation through the power of learning
South Sudan’s Minister Awut Deng Acuil and’s Dr. Randa Grob-Zakhary bring together their unique and shared experiences and perspectives on inclusive education systems. Minister Awut,...
Adolescents et jeunes éduqués, en bonne santé et épanouis : l’engagement de l'Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre
Les pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre transforment l’éducation pour doter les adolescents et les jeunes des connaissances, attitudes et compétences nécessaires pour faire face aux défis qui...
Educated, healthy and thriving adolescents and young people: the West and Central Africa Commitment
West and Central Africa countries are transforming education to equip adolescents and young people with the knowledge, attitudes and skills to face the challenges that threaten their education. These...
Déclaration des membres du Hub mondial de Genève pour l’éducation dans les situations d’urgence
À: Missions permanentes des États Membres auprès de l’Office des Nations Unies à Genève M. Martin Griffiths, Secrétaire général adjoint aux affaires humanitaires et Coordonnateur des secours...
Statement by the Members of the Geneva Global Hub for Education in Emergencies
To: Permanent Missions of Member States to the United Nations Office at Geneva Mr. Martin Griffiths, Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, OCHA...
Blog series: Working in partnership to advance gender equality within and through education
A series of blogs featuring experts and practitioners' views on the partnership's essential work to make sure gender equality remains a priority in education. Investing in girls’ education is one of...
Zimbabwe: Learners join the sector review to plan the future of education
Participants hail inclusivity and cooperation at the 2023 education joint sector review as stakeholders from across sectors gather in Harare to review progress and plan the future. After listening...
Uganda: Young mothers are getting back to school
In Uganda’s Buikwe District, securing adolescent mothers’ right to education is about changing people’s minds—one community meeting at a time. by Caspar Haarløv, Education Out Loud The national laws...
Somalia: A better data management system is improving education
Thanks to a GPE-funded program implemented by CARE in partnership with the Somalia Federal Ministry of Education, Culture and Higher Education, Somalia’s Education Management Information System...