➢ ZABOUT OPD : 447 consultations curatives dont 141 enfants < 5 ans, soit 32% - Morbidité : parasitose intestinale et GEA : 16% (n=70), IRA : 19% (n=85) et le Palu : 22% (n=98) ; SSR : 57 CPN, 6...
Evaluation and Lessons Learned Updates
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Gavi’s Humanitarian Partnerships: achievements and learning, 2022–2024
In partnership with the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and others, the Gavi-funded Humanitarian Partnerships (ZIP) is breaking new ground in how immunisation services reach communities affected...
WFP Somalia: Anticipatory Action Post-assistance Learning Report (Floods)
Executive Summary Anticipatory Action (AA) refers to measures taken to mitigate the humanitarian impact of an anticipated hazard before its occurrence. AA embodies a humanitarian strategy to preserve...
WFP Somalia: Anticipatory Action Evidence Generation Report (March - May 2024)
Executive Summary Climate change is among the causative factors for food security in most countries. Somalia, among the countries experiencing extreme effects of climate change manifesting as...
Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) in Addressing Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in Ukraine [EN/UK]
Introduction The ongoing war in Ukraine has exacerbated Gender-Based Violence (GBV), including conflict related sexual violence, domestic violence, intimate partner violence, and other forms of...
Addressing GBV Risks for Women and Girls Amid Food Insecurity: Challenges and Best Practices from the Ukrainian Response [EN/UK]
Introduction: connections between food insecurity and GBV Globally, food insecurity affects women disproportionately, and it manifests through a range of gendered impacts, including gender-based...
GBV Mainstreaming in Transit Centres and Collective Sites in Ukraine: Best Practices and Lessons Learned [EN/UK]
Introduction: According to the CCCM Cluster, as of December 2024, there is a total of 1,958 Collective Sites (CSs) across Ukraine, with a population of 88,865 people. The evacuations of the...
Health Learning Paper: Referral System Strengthening in Lake Province, Chad (Support to life-saving emergencies: July 2022 - May 2023, Baga Sola and Bol Health Districts)
In May 2022 the second phase of the project funded by the European Commission’s Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations department (DG ECHO) was launched in the health districts of Bol and...
Guatemala + 2 more
Perspectiva desde del terreno y taller de evaluación de factibilidad de Programación Basada en Ruta - Ruta: Norte de Centro américa y Sur de México. Informe de período junio- noviembre 2024, noviembre 2024
Information Este documento es la continuación del reporte de mitad de periodo sobre la implementación de la Programación Basada en Rutas de CashCap en América Latina y el Caribe, abarcando el trabajo...
The Pulse of Humanitarian Coordination 2023: Overview of IASC Structures at the Country Level (December 2024)
Executive Summary In 2023, 27 humanitarian operations in 28 locations had active humanitarian coordination structures, established under the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC). These ranged from...
World + 3 more
Advancing climate-smart financial solutions for smallholder farmers: Lessons from the CGIAR Climate Resilience Initiative
Anne G. Timu, Alice Laborte, Emmanuel Attoh, Enock Kikulwe, Paul Kiundu, Zhe Guo, Brian Mayanja, Anthony Mbithi, Murat Sartas, Shalika Vyas, Liangzhi You Abstract Smallholder farmers in low- and...
Synthesis report on the co-design of agroecological innovations in the Agroecological Living Landscapes (ALLs) in Kenya
Lisa E. Fuchs, Hezekiah Korir, Peter Bolo, Michael Sakha, Pius Gumo, Machio Mbelwa, Anne Kuria, Beatrice Adoyo, Nicholas Syano, Esther Kiruthi, Frederick Baijukya, Frédéric Baudron Executive summary ...
Chad + 3 more
Combined evaluation of the EU's humanitarian interventions in Central Africa and of DG ECHO's partnership with UNICEF 2019-2023 (December 2024) [EN/FR]
This evaluation of the European Union’s (EU) humanitarian interventions in central Africa (CA) 2019-2023 aims to serve learning and accountability purposes. It focuses on four countries: Cameroon,...
Lessons Learned Workshop Report: Bosnia and Herzegovina Epidemic - Measles Outbreak 2024 DREF Operation, October, 2024
ABOUT THIS REPORT For the purpose of showcasing the successful implementation of the Disaster Response Emergency Fund (DREF) operation for Measles Outbreak in Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as...
Integrated Housing, Land and Property (HLP) and Shelter Support for Afghan Returnees: A case study of Nangarhar Province
This case study highlights UN-Habitat's integrated Housing, Land, and Property (HLP) and shelter support for Afghan returnees in informal settlements around Jalalabad, Nangarhar Province. Since 2023,...
Évaluation des quartiers affectés par les inondations fluviales dans la sous-préfecture de N’Gouboua-Lac (14 - 16 décembre 2024)
Les pluviométries enregistrées cette année ont occasionné des dégâts énormes (en termes d’abris) et entraîné un grand nombre de déplacements dans toute l’étendue du territoire. Bien que l’année 2022...
NRC Nigeria Rapid Response Mechanism - MMC/JERE Flood Response
The overnight flash floods on 9th September 2024 in Maiduguri Metropolitan Council (MMC) and Jere local government areas (LGAs) affected close to 400,000 people and resulted in an unconfirmed number...
2023 IASC Gender Accountability Framework Report
This report marks the sixth and final monitoring cycle of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee’s (IASC) 2017 “Policy on gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls in humanitarian action”...
Bangladesh + 1 more
Evidence for Investment: The Impact of the Gindegi Goron Program on Early Childhood Development
The "Gindegi Goron" program, meaning "developing future" in Rohingya, is a groundbreaking early childhood development (ECD) initiative designed to improve outcomes for pregnant and lactating mothers...
Uruguay | IFRC-DREF Inundaciones (MDRUY005): Taller de Lecciones Aprendidas - Reporte Final
En un constante compromiso por elevar la capacidad de respuesta en situaciones de emergencia de la Cruz Roja Uruguaya (CRU), se presenta este informe de lecciones aprendidas. A través de un análisis...