Inter-Agency Coordinated Appeals: March - April Update PEOPLE IN NEED 292.4M PEOPLE TARGETED 182.2M APPEALS 36 REQUIREMENTS (US$) $ 48.28B INTER-AGENCY APPEALS FUNDING (US$) $ 4.34B APPEALS COVERAGE...
World + 30 more
Inter-Agency Coordinated Appeals: March - April Update PEOPLE IN NEED 292.4M PEOPLE TARGETED 182.2M APPEALS 36 REQUIREMENTS (US$) $ 48.28B INTER-AGENCY APPEALS FUNDING (US$) $ 4.34B APPEALS COVERAGE...
Ethiopia + 3 more
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
The Ethiopia Humanitarian Fund (EHF) is one of the principal sources of humanitarian financing in Ethiopia. Since its establishment in 2006, the Fund responded to disasters triggered by natural...
Ethiopia + 3 more
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Ethiopia + 10 more
In Eastern Africa, humanitarian needs continued to be driven by severe climate events (droughts and floods), conflicts, disease outbreaks, and economic shocks throughout 2023 and into 2024. These...
Ethiopia + 6 more
The Greater Horn of Africa is one of the most vulnerable regions to climate change. The historic four-year drought that hit East Africa caused massive suffering. Over the past few months El Nino has...
Overview In pockets of both northern and southern regions of Ethiopia, severe drought conditions are causing people and livestock to move to areas where food and water are more accessible but where...
Overview Somali Region is a predominantly pastoralist region facing recuring natural and man-made hazards such as drought, flood, and conflict, affecting livelihoods assets, infrastructures and basic...
Overview Severe drought is reported to affect many parts of the country including Afar and Amhara. The ESNFI cluster is working with the government and the rest of the humanitarian community to...
Ethiopia + 8 more
The current El Niño conditions and the positive Indian Ocean Dipole have brought increased rains in most parts of the East and Horn of Africa, causing riverine and flash floods. The most affected...
Somalia + 8 more
OVERVIEW El Niño-induced heavy rains and flooding (riverine and flash floods) continued to hit parts of the Eastern African region, including Burundi, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, South Sudan,...
Overview Since the rains started in October, floods have affected at least 1,034,087 people and displaced 437,002 across Afar, Oromia, South, and Somali regions. In all 14 affected zones, vast damage...
OVERVIEW Since October and through November, floods and mudslides from heavy rainfall and river overflows have affected an estimated 1.5 million people, mainly in the Afar, Gambela, Oromia, Somali,...
Please refer to the attached Map.
Somalia + 2 more
Published On Date: 01 Dec 2023 15:49 Sources: DG ECHO , UN OCHA, UNHCR, Kenya MoH, JRC-GHSL, JRC-GLOFAS GFM, NASA-GPM Event Type: Flood Main Country: Somalia Countries: Ethiopia Kenya Map Product...
Please refer to the attached Map.
Somalia + 6 more
OVERVIEW The confirmation of the presence of El Niño conditions and a positive Indian Ocean Dipole by local modelshave led to wetter-than-normal conditions triggering flooding (riverine and flash...
Please refer to the attached Map.
Please refer to the attached Infographic.