HIGHLIGHTS WFP is closely monitoring population movements following the ceasefire, swiftly adapting its assistance to meet the urgent needs of displaced individuals and returnees. Since 23 September,...
Lebanon + 1 more
Lebanon + 1 more
HIGHLIGHTS WFP is closely monitoring population movements following the ceasefire, swiftly adapting its assistance to meet the urgent needs of displaced individuals and returnees. Since 23 September,...
Rwanda + 7 more
The birth registration rate among individuals born in Rwanda, regardless of age, is 96%, with a coverage rate of 99.1% for children under 5 years old. UNHCR and partners acted to prevent the spread...
RESPONSE PRIORITIES Objectives 1) To establish a transparent and effective 2025 Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan (HNRP) for the BAY states, with a clear strategic focus, well prioritised,...
An in-depth study into the status of girls in international policy-making at the United Nations. This 2024 report examines the status of girls in international policy-making, building on Plan...
The Voices-on-the-Move is a two-way humanitarian communications project funded by BPRM and implemented by Internews in partnership with Community Engagement Network (CEN). CEN is a women-led South...
In Numbers 73,760 people assisted in August 2024 US$ 500,000 cash-based transfers made in August US$ 12.3 million six-month (September 2024 – February 2025) net funding requirements Operational...
Humanitarian Overview In Niger, intense flooding has had a devastating impact which caused tragic loss of life and significant destruction of crops, livelihoods, and infrastructure. As of 11 November...
Togo + 1 more
In Numbers 3, 832 households supported through Food for Assets US$ 10.6 million six-month net funding requirements (November 2024–April 2025) Preliminary figures as per ongoing budget revision. ...
Afghanistan + 1 more
Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TİKA) has provided essential hardware and equipment to schools across the provinces of Balkh, Jowzjan and Faryab. As part of a project implemented in...
Highlights 312,300 pregnant and breastfeeding women and children received health and nutrition services and supplementary nutritious foods through the Benazir Nashonuma Programme 13,300 primary...
Chad + 1 more
Ce tableau de bord résume le point de vue des réfugiés soudanais sur la situation et les risques de protection au Tchad. Les perceptions de ces ménages, interrogés soit aux points d'entrées, soit...
Nankwat Dakum Mbi Malala Fund and its partners urge the Nigerian government to prioritise girls’ education in the 2025 budget by significantly increasing funding to ensure every girl can learn in a...
POINTS SAILLANTS • Les activités des groupes armés dans la zone métropolitaine de Port-au-Prince continuent de perturber le quotidien des habitants, impactant particulièrement les populations les...
HIGHLIGHTS Armed group activity in the Port-au-Prince Metropolitan Area continues to disrupt daily life, particularly affecting the most vulnerable communities. Violence has hindered agricultural...
Identifiant d'alerte : ACT_DES_17092024 Date de l'évaluation : du 24/09/2024 au 28/09/2024 Localité : 4ème Section Poste Pierrot | Marchand Dessalines | Artibonite Aperçu du choc et contexte Dans...
Méthodologie Le Projet 21 est un dispositif de monitoring de protection inter-agence principalement constitué de questionnaire : (i) ménages (ii) informateurs clés Elle consiste en la collecte...
Méthodologie Le Projet 21 est un dispositif de monitoring de protection inter-agence principalement constitué de questionnaire: (i) ménages (ii) informateurs clés Elle consiste en la collecte...
Méthodologie Le Projet 21 est un dispositif de monitoring de protection inter-agence principalement constitué de questionnaire: (i) ménages (ii) informateurs clés Elle consiste en la collecte...
Méthodologie Le Projet 21 est un dispositif de monitoring de protection inter-agence principalement constitué de questionnaire: (i) ménages (ii) informateurs clés Elle consiste en la collecte...
Investing in Resilience Key for Protecting Montenegro from Climate Change and Driving Sustainable Growth PODGORICA, December 4, 2024 — Montenegro has an opportunity to strengthen its resilience to...