NORTHEAST CONTEXT Education Amidst Crisis: Challenges in Nigeria's North-Eastern States Across the landscape that characterizes Nigeria's north-eastern states, specifically Borno, Adamawa, and Yobe...
Education Cluster Updates
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République du Niger: Région de Tahoua - GTE Tahoua | Rapport de l’atelier du bilan de la campagne de retour sécurisé des enfants à l’école « BTS » dans la région de Tahoua (décembre 2024)
I. Introduction Dans la perspective d’évaluer les activités de la campagne Back to school (BTS) dans la région de Tahoua, le GTE a organisé un atelier le 13 décembre 2024 à Tahoua. Cette rencontre a...
Cluster Education Niger: Formation sur la localisation de l’action humanitaire en éducation (3 et 4 décembre 2024)
Le projet de localisation d’Agir Plus, de Diko et de Save the Children "Update du projet Localisation" Contexte • Fonds Humanitaire SC • Fenêtre flexible du FH (soumission d’une proposition /top up)...
Rapport sur l'occupation de classe à Numbi Kalehe
Please refer to the attached file.
Situations de crise dans les écoles primaires de Minova
Please refer to the attached file.
Pakistan: ESWG Flood Recovery Monitoring Dashboard (as of November 2024)
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Türkiye + 1 more
Education Sector Working Group Training Manual on Education Focused Case Management Guidelines for Out-of-School Children
Background The Ministry of National Education (MoNE) leads the education response, supported by various partners. The Education Sector Working Group (ESWG), established in 2014, coordinates these...
Türkiye + 1 more
Guidelines for Education Focused Case Management for Organizations Engaged with Out-of-School Children in Türkiye, September 2024 [EN/TR]
INTRODUCTION This Education-Focused Case Management (EFCM) guidelines offer practical guidance to education and protection agencies on the principles, steps, and procedures essential for an efficient...
Cameroon Education Cluster: Northwest & Southwest Updates (November 2024)
Summary In November, 25 Education Cluster partners operated in 12 out of 13 Divisions, reaching a total of 31,565. Among them, 17,322 were new participants engaging with cluster activities for the...
Verification of damages to schools based on proximity to damaged sites - Gaza, Occupied Palestinian Territory, Update #7 (December 2024)
The devastating impact on Gaza’s education system! The ongoing conflict in Gaza has left all children without access to formal education for more than one year. Recent escalations have tragically...
Somalia Education Cluster: Education Operational Presence (As of 31 October 2024)
Please refer to the attached Map.
Education Response Snapshot (As of 30 November 2024)
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Niger: Réunion ordinaire du GTE Tahoua (14 décembre 2024) [Meeting Minutes]
ORDRE DU JOUR 1) Renouvellement du Bureau du GTE de la région de Tahoua ; 2) Divers
Note de Plaidoyer Inter Cluster: Les inondations plongent le Mali dans une urgence humanitaire, il est temps d’agir !
711 cas d’inondations enregistrées jusqu’en novembre 2024. 370 567 (DGPC) total de personnes vulnérables dans la zone inondée dont 92 décès 195 746 ha de cultures perdues 756 127 Tonnes de céréales...
Myanmar Education Cluster Strategy (2024)
Background The context in Myanmar has been continuously evolving since the February 2021 military takeover events. To facilitate streamlined continuity in the absence of a valid National Education...
Cluster Education République centrafricaine : Architecture du Cluster Education, novembre 2024
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Cluster Education République centrafricaine : Bénéficiaires atteints et incidents rapportés, novembre 2024
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Afghanistan Education Cluster: Minutes of the Meeting (Monday, Dec 09, 2024, 10:00 am - 11:00 am) [Meeting Minutes]
Discussion Points • Cleopatra, the Education Cluster coordinator, started the meeting by extending a warm welcome to the partners and providing an introduction to the agenda points. • Cleopatra...
Türkiye + 1 more
Advocacy Note: Registration Barriers to School Enrollment [EN/TR]
Background As of September 2023, Türkiye hosts over 1.3 million children under temporary and international protection, with over 1 million enrolled in education, leaving 300,000 out of school. The...
Colombia + 1 more
Documento metodológico - Cálculo de Personas en Necesidad (PiN 2025) Cluster Educación en Emergencia (EeE), Colombia
El archivo detalla la metodología empleada en el cálculo de las Personas en Necesidad (PiN) 2025 para el clúster de Educación. Este proceso se desarrolló siguiendo la metodología global JIAF 2.0...