Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Niger + 5 more
La population des réfugiés et demandeurs d’asile au Niger a augmenté de 38 % depuis janvier 2024, en grande partie grâce aux activités d’enregistrement en cours, incluant les nouveaux arrivants. Ces...
DR Congo + 3 more
Burkina Faso Près de 2 000 personnes déplacées dans la province du Yatenga sur fond d'insécurité croissante Le 6 février, les autorités provinciales ont signalé l'arrivée de près de 2 000 personnes...
DR Congo + 3 more
Burkina Faso Nearly 2,000 displaced in Yatenga province amid rising insecurity On 6 February, provincial authorities reported the arrival of nearly 2,000 displaced people in Ouahigouya, fleeing...
Please refer to the attached Map.
Sudan + 7 more
There are now 12.5 million forcibly displaced due to the outbreak of conflict in Sudan since April 2023, including 8.9 million internally and 3.4 million in neighbouring countries. Sudan and...
Situation Overview In 2024, around 600,000 individuals, comprising returnees and host communities impacted by displacement, will require Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) services. This...
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Mali + 2 more
Please refer to the attached Map.
Please refer to the attached Map.
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Le Mali a, à travers la ratification de la Convention de 1954 relative au statut des apatrides et celle de 1961 relative à la réduction des cas d’apatridie, montré son engagement dans la lutte contre...
IA PSEA posters with inter-agency reporting mechanisms for communities (EN/UK). Additional editable Ukrainian version with editable section to add organizations' complaints mechanisms (phone/email).
A ceasefire agreement took effect on 19 January, allowing the entry of aid into Gaza to signficantly increase. An average of 800 trucks entered Gaza daily since the beginning of the ceasefire...
En 2024, le HCR Mali a injecté 25% de son budget opérationnel dans le transfert monétaire à usage multiple en faveur des réfugiés, déplacés internes, rapatriés et autres personnes vulnérables. Ces...
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Mauritania + 1 more
Overview The 2025 Refugee Response and Resilience Plan in Mauritania (3RP Mauritania) aims to address the needs of Malian refugees and host communities in the Hodh Chargui. Ongoing insecurity in Mali...