NATIONAL SOCIETY PROFILE The Ecuadorian Red Cross was founded and ratified by Congress in 1910 and admitted to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in 1923. It...
Ecuador + 1 more
NATIONAL SOCIETY PROFILE The Ecuadorian Red Cross was founded and ratified by Congress in 1910 and admitted to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in 1923. It...
Ecuador + 1 more
ESCENARIO DE PLANIFICACIÓN ESPECÍFICO DEL PAÍS Ecuador alberga a casi medio millón de personas refugiadas ymigrantesdeVenezuela,ademásdeserun país de tránsito para miles de personas en movimiento de...
Joint situational analysis Ecuador is located in the northwest of South America, and borders Colombia in the north, Peru to the south and east, and the Pacific Ocean to the west. The Andes Mountain...
IOM Vision In 2020, IOM, in coordination with national and local partners, will enhance the preparedness and response capacity of communities to disasters caused by natural hazards by implementing a...
Antecedentes El 11 de marzo del 2020, la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) declaró al virus COVID-19 como pandemia a nivel global y resaltó la necesidad de activar y ampliar los mecanismos de...
Ecuador + 1 more
CONTEXT AND BUDGETARY APPEAL In the context of the regional response to the Venezuela situation, Ecuador’s Refugee and Migrant Response Plan (RMRP) forms an integral partof the regional plan of...
Appeal launched 22 April 2016 Revision n° 2 issued 08 August 2017 Appeal ends 22 April 2018 (Extended from 18 to 24 months) 138,264 people to be assisted 405,778 Swiss francs DREF allocated 10.8...
This revised Emergency Appeal modifies the original appeal to focus on the identified humanitarian needs in the recovery and reconstruction phases. As such, it eliminates outcomes that were fully...
IMPACTO El 16 de abril un terremoto de magnitud 7,8 (escala Richter) azotó las costas del noroccidente ecuatoriano. Su epicentro estuvo localizado cerca del pueblo de Muisne, 170 Km al noroeste de la...
RESUMEN SOBRE LA SITUACIÓN El 16 de abril de 2016, un terremoto de magnitud 7,8 sacudió a Ecuador. El epicentro se localizó a 27 km al sureste de la ciudad costera de Muisne, un área poco poblada en...
The Government of Ecuador has declared a “state of emergency” in the six provinces of Esmeraldas, Guayas, Los Rios, Manabi, Santo Domingo, and Santa Elena. As of 24 April, 655 deaths and at least...
This Emergency Appeal seeks 18,350,836 Swiss francs (CHF) in cash, kind, or services to support the Ecuadorian Red Cross (ERC) to assist 100,000 people affected by the earthquake over a period of 12...
Appeal Target: US$ 814,382.89 Balance Requested: US$ 377,354.19 Geneva, 25th May 2016 Dear Colleagues, A 7.8 earthquake (Richter scale) hit Northern Ecuador at 18:58 local time, Saturday 16 April...
(This version now includes response projects by organization) Impact Impact On 16 April, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake (Richter scale) struck coastal areas in north-west Ecuador, its epicentre located...
Ecuador + 1 more
| Overview | Working environment In 2012, a new refugee decree (no. 1182) was enacted in Ecuador, which confirmed a growing tendency towards more restrictive asylum procedures in the country. With...
1. CRITICAL ISSUES FOR CHILDREN The worst flooding in more than 20 years has affected 14 out of the 23 provinces of Ecuador. On January 31 the Government declared the emergency situation for 9...
The Federation's mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity. It is the world's largest humanitarian organization and its millions of volunteers are...
Ecuador El Niño Floods - LAEC81 Total Project Budget : US$ 255,644 *ACT Appeal Target : US$ 156,512 Geneva, 02 February 1998 Dear Colleagues, Widespread regions of Ecuador have been severely affected...