Adapting to life in the midst of conflict requires a continuum of support Kateryna Alieko Mercy Corps Communications Manager for Ukraine Even as the full-scale invasion of Ukraine enters its third...
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Sudan, conflict - ETC Situation Report #25 Reporting period: 01/01/2025 to 31/01/2025

The Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) was activated on 25 May 2023 to support the humanitarian response following the outbreak of conflict on 15 April 2023. The ETC is led by WFP in Sudan...
International Medical Corps Operations in Gaza (January 29, 2025)
International Medical Corps has received $68,078,508 from USAID to support our operations in Gaza since October 7, 2023. With the generous support of USAID and the American people, we’ve used these...
Boletim informativo da cólera Nº 30/2025 - Actualizado: 06-02-2025, às 18h - Semana epidemiológica: Nº 6 [PT]
Boletim informativo da cólera Nº 29/2025 - Actualizado: 05-02-2025, às 18h - Semana epidemiológica: Nº 6 [PT]

Please refer to the attached file.
Angola + 6 more
UNHCR Regional Bureau for Southern Africa: Overview of the refugees and Asylum-seekers by nationalities in Southern Africa - As of 31 December 2024

Please refer to the attached Infographic.
DR Congo + 14 more
UNHCR Regional Bureau for Southern Africa: Populations that UNHCR is Mandated to Protect - As of 31 December 2024

Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Mexico + 7 more
¿Cuáles son las necesidades y riesgos que enfrentan las personas varadas en México? La situación de las personas en movilidad en México, tras los recientes ajustes a las políticas de asilo en los EE.UU - Análisis Rápido de Necesidades | Enero 2025

Resumen ejecutivo En México, las personas desplazadas enfrentan graves desafíos y necesidades humanitarias, potenciadas por su exposición a diferentes riesgos de protección. Los recientes cambios de...
À l’issue de sa 37ème session extraordinaire, le Conseil décide de la création d’une mission d’établissement des faits et d’une commission d’enquête indépendante sur les graves violations commises dans l’est de la RDC
Le Conseil des droits de l’homme a achevé, cet après-midi, sa trente-septième session extraordinaire sur la situation des droits de l’homme dans l’est de la République démocratique du Congo en...
Human Rights Council Establishes Fact-Finding Mission on Human Rights Abuses and Violations in the Provinces of North Kivu and South Kivu in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
The Human Rights Council this afternoon concluded its thirty-seventh special session on the human rights situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, adopting a resolution in which it...
Malawi + 11 more
UNHCR Regional Bureau for Southern Africa: Complementary Pathways for Admission to Third Countries (as of 31 December 2024)

Complementary pathways provide legal avenues for refugees and asylum seekers to reunite with their families, pursue employment, education, and other opportunities outside their countries of origin or...
CAR + 11 more
UNHCR Regional Bureau for Southern Africa: Trends of the mixed movements of Refugees and Asylum seekers (as of 31 December 2024)

40,738 Refugees and Asylum-seekers involved in the mixed movements during the reporting period. 3 per cent of this population has specific protection needs. Additionally, 62 per cent of this...
DR Congo + 9 more
Crise humanitaire en Afrique centrale : l’ONU salue l’engagement des Etats à jeter les bases d’une réponse régionale coordonnée

Face à une crise humanitaire persistante et multidimensionnelle en Afrique centrale, le Chef de l’UNOCA, Abdou Abarry, a exhorté les États membres de la Communauté économique des États de l’Afrique...
Colombia + 4 more
Latinoamérica y El Caribe Resumen de Situación Semanal al 7 de febrero 2025

CIFRAS CLAVE 28K personas enfrentan restricciones de movilidad por enfrentamientos en Cauca, Colombia 4,1K personas desplazadas por las inundaciones en Brasil 1,2K personas desplazadas debido a los...
Colombia + 4 more
Latin America & The Caribbean Weekly Situation Update as of 7 February 2025

KEY FIGURES 28K people facing mobility restrictions due to clashes in Cauca, Colombia 4.1K people displaced due to ongoing flooding in Brazil 1.2K people displaced due to clashes in Port-au-Prince,...
CAR + 11 more
UNHCR Regional Bureau for Southern Africa: Voluntary Repatriation - 2024 (as of 31 December 2024)

Please refer to the attached Infographic.
République démocratique du Congo - DPS Equateur - Zone de santé de Bolomba - Etablissements de santé (06/02/2025)

Please refer to the attached Map.
République démocratique du Congo - Equateur - Zone de santé de Lotumbe - Etablissements de santé (05/02/2025)

Please refer to the attached Map.
DR Congo + 11 more
UNHCR Regional Bureau for Southern Africa: Onward movements of refugees and asylum seekers (As of 31 December 2024)

The individuals moving cross-border within the region include vulnerable profiles with the top three being those with Single parent (24%), Serious medical condition (21%) and Woman at risk (20%). On...
DR Congo + 21 more
UNHCR Regional Bureau for Southern Africa: Registered New Arrivals - 2024 (as of 31 December 2024)

Please refer to the attached Infographic.