About LESS THAN 1% OF ALL CLIMATE CHANGE COURT CASES DEAL IN ANY WAY WITH CLIMATE DISPLACEMENT Despite the worsening climate displacement crisis, as of late-2023 only 19 cases relating to climate...
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Solving Climate Displacement Through Proactive Land Policy
Land lies at the core of solving climate displacement; the world as we know it is not prepared Melbourne, Australia, 3 July 2023 — Between five and twenty million acres of land is estimated to be...
On Whose Door Do We Knock? Preparing for, preventing and reducing climate displacement in coastal cities: A practical checklist for municipal and national officials (September 2022)
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Although calculations of the numbers of those affected still vary widely, the projected number of people who will have to move from their homes and neighbourhoods because of the...
Land Grabbing as an Internationally Wrongful Act
DS has just published a major 184-page legal report on the land grabbing in Myanmar and how these processes constitute internationally wrongful acts. The report includes a 21-step legal roadmap to...
Solving Climate Displacement is More Urgent Than Ever - Today the Peninsula Principles Turn 6!
On 18 August 2019, the Peninsula Principles on Climate Displacement Within States will celebrate their sixth anniversary. The ravages of climate change and climate displacement continue to worsen,...
Addressing Myanmar's Unsettled Restitution Gap
Giving Myanmar's displaced their land back The Norwegian Refugee Council and Displacement Solutions have produced the report "Addressing Myanmar's Unsettled Restitution Gap" to advocate and help find...
Lessons learned from post-earthquake policy in Nepal: Guidance for further housing, land and property disaster and reconstruction law and policy reform
Displacement Solutions was approached and commissioned by DFID to carry out research on the housing, land and property rights issues arising from the reconstruction process, with an emphasis on the...
A Housing, Land and Property (HLP) Rights-Based Analysis of Customary land Dispute Resolution in Eastern Bago Region and Kayin and Shan States
Learning from the Traditional Ways to Solve Land Disputes in Myanmar In Myanmar, we're learning more about how village leaders solve land disputes in the traditional way to help inform policy makers...
Building Agreement on Restitution Rights within the Myanmar Peace Process and National Legal Framework - A Manual for Practitioners
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This manual outlines proposals for the insertion of housing, land and property restitution rights simultaneously within the context of the ongoing peace process and within broader...
DS wraps up research mission to Nepal to study the response to the tragic 2015 earthquakes
A three-person DS team has just completed a research mission to Nepal to examine the legal and policy responses to the 2015 earthquakes that struck the country, causing thousands of deaths and...
Ten Years of DS Efforts on Housing, Land and Property Rights in Myanmar – An Overview
Over the past decade, Displacement Solutions has undertaken extensive research aimed at shedding light on the numerous housing, land and property (HLP) rights issues facing the people of Myanmar...
The urgent need to prepare for climate displacement in Myanmar: Establishing a Myanmar national climate land bank, May 2018
NEW DS & Ecodev Report Urges Government of Myanmar to Establish a Myanmar National Climate Land Bank A new report released today by Displacement Solutions and Yangon-based Ecodev urges the government...
Housing, land and property rights and peace agreements: Guidance for the Myanmar peace process (February 2018)
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Any successful outcome to the peace process in Myanmar will invariably need to address the wide range of housing, land and property (HLP) rights issues that are central components...
DS signs MOU with United Nations
Displacement Solutions and the United Nations Human Settlements Agency – UN Habitat – today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) outlining a framework for collaboration between the two...
World + 5 more
Displacement Solutions Annual Report 2016
Ten Years of Action It is hard to believe that DS has now been active for ten busy and eventful years. This has been quite a ride for our (intentionally) small and flexible organisation, and one...
Restitution in Myanmar: Building Lasting Peace, National Reconciliation and Economic Prosperity Through a Comprehensive Housing, Land and Property Restitution Programme
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The question of housing, land and property (HLP) restitution has received increased attention over the past several years throughout Myanmar as the country continues to consolidate...
Land Solutions for Climate Displacement Works in Colombia: Government-supported Gramalote relocation moves ahead
On 11 March 2017, a group of 54 families moved in the newly built town of Gramalote, Colombia some seven years after the decimation of the town as a consequence of the La Niña phenomena. They are...
An introductory guide to understanding and claiming housing, land and property restitution rights in Myanmar: Questions and answers (March 2017)
INTRODUCTION Restitution means the process of returning to one’s home after displacement and achieving the recovery of one’s land. The process of housing, land and property restitution is truly...
A framework for resolving displacement in Myanmar: The United Nations ‘Pinheiro Principles’ on housing and property restitution for refugees and displaced persons (March 2017)
The Principles on housing and property restitution for refugees and displaced persons articulated herein are designed to assist all relevant actors, national and international, in addressing the...
DS intensively exploring HLP restitution prospects in Myanmar
DS carried out its latest mission to Myanmar with a focus this time on the question of housing, land and property restitution rights and how best to ensure these rights for everyone with an HLP loss...