Regional Overview Afghanistan remains one of the world’s most urgent crises. Human rights violations and abuses, economic instability, acute food insecurity and natural disasters are likely to...
Pakistan + 2 more
Regional Overview Afghanistan remains one of the world’s most urgent crises. Human rights violations and abuses, economic instability, acute food insecurity and natural disasters are likely to...
Marshall Islands + 2 more
On February 19, in Kolonia, the state capital of Pohnpei of the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), H.E. Mr. KAGOMIYA Nobuo, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to the Federated...
Serbia + 6 more
This report provides insights into the profiles, experiences and journeys of migrants transiting through the Republic of Serbia. Data was collected from 1 to 31 January 2025 together with the...
Ce rapport est une mise à jour de celui qui a été publié le 10 février (ETT 55.1) suite aux attaques armées survenues dans la commune de Kenscoff, précisément dans ses 2e section de Bongars et 3e...
This report is an update of the one published on 10 February (ETT 55.1) following attacks that occurred in in the municipality of Kenscoff, specifically in its 2nd section of Bongars and 3rd section...
Ces informations ont été recueillies à la suite des violences armées survenues depuis le 14 février 2024 dans diverses de la Zone Métropolitaine de Port-au-Prince, dont le quartier de Codada - Delmas...
This information was gathered following the armed violences that occurred since 14 February 2024, in the Metropolitan Area of Port-au-Prince, including in the neighborhood of Codada - Delmas 30 (in...
Nauru + 1 more
Australia’s Human Rights Commissioner has written to Home Affairs Minister Tony Burke seeking clarity and transparency around an Australian Government decision to resettle three members of the NZYQ...
Given recent announcements, the end game of the Ukraine conflict may be approaching sooner than expected. The pace of negotiations may bring a rapid end to the fighting, but early indications suggest...
By Abbi Kedir Evolution of freedom Since 2000, Ethiopia has achieved remarkable economic growth, driven by public investment in infrastructure and industrial expansion, positioning itself as one of...
New UN report lauds community-driven innovations in closing SDG data gaps in Asia and the Pacific Across Asia and the Pacific, communities are pioneering innovative solutions to bridge critical data...
DR Congo + 37 more
This Weekly Bulletin focuses on public health emergencies occurring in the WHO African region. This week’s articles cover: Unknown Disease in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Cholera in Angola...
The Humanitarian Situation Update is issued by OCHA Occupied Palestinian Territory twice a week. The Gaza Strip is covered on Tuesdays and the West Bank on Thursdays. The Gaza Humanitarian Response...
Please refer to the attached file.
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Please refer to the attached file.
Please refer to the attached file.
Please refer to the attached file.
Please refer to the attached file.
This Ramadan may represent a new dawn for Syria, a country that has recently undergone seismic changes, but its people continue to suffer amid one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises. Many...