The 2024 Joint Response Plan for the Rohingya refugee response is 64 percent funded as of 18 February 2024, with USD 545.4 million received against the overall appeal of USD 852.4 million. Since the...
Bangladesh + 1 more
The 2024 Joint Response Plan for the Rohingya refugee response is 64 percent funded as of 18 February 2024, with USD 545.4 million received against the overall appeal of USD 852.4 million. Since the...
Reconstruction Critical to Protect Basic Rights (Beirut) – Sweeping sanctions imposed by the United States, European Union, the United Kingdom, and other countries are hindering the restoration of...
Mensaje de la Directora Ejecutiva El año pasado se cosecharon éxitos y decepciones en los esfuerzos mundiales para hacer frente a la triple crisis planetaria: la crisis del cambio climático; la...
Message de la Directrice Exécutive L’année écoulée a été marquée par des succès et des déceptions dans les efforts déployés au niveau mondial pour faire face à la triple crise mondiale : la crise du...
Message from the Executive Director Last year brought both successes and disappointments in global efforts to tackle the triple planetary crisis: the crisis of climate change; the crisis of nature...
Sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine must be respected, ASG Jenča tells Security Council Mr. President, In one week, we will mark three tragic years since Russia’s full-scale invasion of...
UNICEF Mobile Teams Are Saving Lives in Yemen “Mothers and children are the foundation of any society. When they are healthy, the whole country is healthy,” says Khawla Ahmed Abdullah Al-Hilmani, a...
World + 10 more
El Índice de Riesgo Climático (IRC)1 analiza la manera en que los fenómenos meteorológicos extremos afectan a los países y, de este modo, evalúa las consecuencias de los riesgos materializados en los...
World + 10 more
L’indice des risques climatiques (Climate Risk Index- CRI)1 analyse la manière dont les événements météorologiques extrêmes liés au climat affectent les pays et, ce faisant, il mesure les...
World + 10 more
The Climate Risk Index (CRI) ranks countries by the human and economic toll of extreme weather. The latest edition highlights increasing losses and the urgent need for stronger climate resilience and...
Honduras + 8 more
Cifras clave de la población Desplazamiento interno +247.000 personas han sido desplazadas internamente en Honduras como consecuencia de la violencia generalizada entre 2004 y 2018. Las cifras...
Honduras + 8 more
Population figures Internal displacement Asylum +247,000 people have been internally displaced in Honduras as a result of generalized violence between 2004 and 2018. Numbers could be higher in 2024,...
Port Moresby, 18 February: The United Nations in Papua New Guinea is deeply concerned by recent reports of forced evictions and burning of houses in the Baruni informal settlement in Port Moresby...
World + 1 more
By Pat de Brún, Head of Big Tech Accountability at Amnesty International and Maung Sawyeddollah, the founder and Executive Director of the Rohingya Students’ Network. Recent content policy...
DR Congo + 9 more
Le HCR RDC utilise des interventions en espèces (CBI), une modalité de réponse, pour couvrir un large éventail de besoins multisectoriels. Au troisième trimestre de l’année 2024, plus de la moitié du...
DR Congo + 6 more
L’opération du HCR en RDC considère la réinstallation et les voies complémentaires comme une partie de sa stratégie de protection et de solutions durables. La réinstallation demeure la solution la...
Afghanistan + 1 more
Maria Khoruk In 2022, Afghanistan accounted for roughly 80 per cent of the world’s opiate supply and was a major global exporter of opium and heroin. But in April that year, the newly installed...
The Sixth Arab Regional Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in Kuwait City has concluded with a declaration which reaffirms the urgent need to strengthen resilience across the Arab region in the...
Between 06 and 10 February 2025, escalating attacks and heightened fear of violence by Non-State Armed Groups (NSAGs) in Macomia and Meluco districts led to the displacement of approximately 5,821...
La organización advierte que se han destruido casi 1.700 kilómetros de redes de agua y saneamiento y que se necesitan urgentemente reparaciones costosas de las redes, pero Israel se niega a aprobar...