Hadramout, Yemen "I saw my delicate newborn baby, just days old, slowly dying before my eyes due to a brutal circumcision," Um Hanin recounts, her voice heavy with grief. "I do not want any mother in...
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Canary Islands (Spain) + 1 more
Opérations de sauvetage SAR de Salvamento sur Las Palmas et Tenerife en 2024 (janvier à novembre)

Please refer to the attached Map.
Ethiopia - General Reference Map (21/01/2025)

Please refer to the attached Map.
Mozambique - General Reference Map (24/01/2025)

Please refer to the attached Map.
Sudan - Gedaref State - Tenedba Camp - Latrines Situation as of date of 21 January 2025

Please refer to the attached Map.
Sudan - Gedaref State - Tenedba Camp - Showers Situation as of date of 22 January 2025

Please refer to the attached Map.
WFP Palestine Emergency Response External Situation Report #47 (7 Feb 2025)

HIGHLIGHTS More than two weeks into the long-awaited Gaza ceasefire, WFP has significantly expanded its operations, delivering full food rations and hot meals to over 525,000 vulnerable people...
Colombia: Registros en PRIMES (31 de diciembre 2024)

Esta infografía presenta la información de las personas registradas en el Ecosistema de Registro y Manejo de la Población (PRIMES) hasta el 31 de diciembre del 20241. Los datos incluyen información...
World + 1 more
The State of Qatar and the United Nations Reinforce their Commitment to Protecting Children in Armed Conflict with the Extension of the Analysis and Outreach Hub in Doha
New York, 7 February 2025 - In a significant step toward strengthening efforts to protect children affected by armed conflict, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and...
DR Congo + 6 more
UNHCR Southern Africa Regional External update #2: Eastern DRC Situation (06 February 2025)

HIGHLIGHTS As of 5 February 2025, reports indicate that the fighting killed over 2,900 people, injured 2,880, and displaced 500,000. Protection monitoring in North Kivu resumed on 31 January,...
UNICEF Venezuela Situation Report No.2 (Year-End) - 31 December 2024

Highlights The overlap of the protracted humanitarian crisis, climate-related emergencies and the aftermath of the July 2024 presidential elections continue to affect children in Venezuela,...
DR Congo + 22 more
Democratic Republic of the Congo Refugees Situation Dashboard (31 December 2024)

Please refer to the attached Map.
Bulgaria + 10 more
Navigating health and well-being challenges for refugees from Ukraine An Inter-Agency - Exploration of Data 2nd edition (January 2025)

Executive summary The war in Ukraine, now in its third year, continues to have devastating effects on the Ukrainian population, triggering one of the largest displacement crises in Europe since World...
Ukraine: Project Highlights - Restoring livelihoods and revitalizing rural communities affected by mines and explosive remnants of war (OSRO/UKR/025/WFP)

Objective To identify and support vulnerable, war-affected rural households impacted by mines and explosive remnants of war to help restore agricultural production in spring 2024. Activities...
UNICEF Armenia Humanitarian Situation Report No. 19 (Year-End) - 31 December 2024

Highlights Armenia currently counts 115,388 refugees, including 36,000 children, who fled into the country in late September 2023, or were escorted through the Lachin corridor between December 2022...
A New Compact for Health Financing: Insights from Policymakers Across Africa

Key messages: • There was broad, cautiously optimistic support for the New Compact, with participants seeing potential in its key pillars, but doubting donor commitment. • Challenges in coordinating...
El indicador de referencia de los precios mundiales de los productos alimenticios disminuye en enero
Las cotizaciones internacionales del azúcar y los aceites vegetales hacen bajar el índice de precios de los alimentos de la FAO Roma – El índice de precios de los alimentos de la FAO, el índice de...
Benchmark for world food commodity prices down in January [EN/RU/ZH/IT]

International quotations for sugar and vegetable oils drive FAO Food Price Index lower Rome – The FAO Food Price Index, the benchmark for world food commodity prices, declined in January, averaging...
Colombie: le Secrétaire général, très inquiet des violences perpétrées contre la population civile dans la région de Catatumbo
SG/SM/22527 La déclaration suivante a été communiquée, aujourd’hui, par le Porte-parole de M. António Guterres, Secrétaire général de l’ONU: Le Secrétaire général est profondément préoccupé par les...
South Sudan declares mpox outbreak
Juba, 7 February 2025—Today the Ministry of Health has declared a mpox outbreak in Juba, Central Equatoria State. This declaration follows a confirmation mpox Case by the National Public Health...