Heavy rain in Kayah State has caused widespread flooding and left a path of devastation for residents. Yesterday dozens of wards in the in the capital of Kayah State, Loikaw, experienced widespread...
Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB) Updates
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Panglong III wraps with delegates tacking 14 points onto ‘Union Accord’
The latest iteration of the “21st Century Panglong Conference” concluded on Monday with participants signing 14 points of agreement as the high-level peace confab came to a close in the capital...
Floods leave a path of destruction across Burma
Flash flooding continues to wreak havoc across Burma this week claiming three lives and leaving a path of destruction. Three people have been killed in the floods in Magwe Division, central Burma and...
500 flee homes in Namtu as Shan, Ta’ang armies clash
By NANG MYA NADI / DVB More than 500 villagers have fled their homes in northern Shan State’s Namtu Township in recent days after armed clashes broke out between two of the major ethnic armies in the...
At odds with military in Kachin, minister supports new IDP camps ‘if necessary’
By Ye Mon TANAI TOWNSHIP, Kachin State — Although the Burmese military does not want camps established for internal displaced persons (IDPs) who recently fled their homes due to clashes between...
Left in limbo: Kachin IDPs face monsoon season dilemma
By YE MON Some 5,000 Kachin villagers, who abandoned their homes one month ago due to the proximity of armed clashes between Burmese government forces and the Kachin Independence army (KIA), are...
More Kachin villagers flee as clashes intensify
By YE MON More than 5,000 Kachin civilians have abandoned their homes in recent weeks and are now sheltering in makeshift shelters in the jungle around Tanai, Hpakant and Injangyang townships as...
Shelling of village sends hundreds more fleeing in Kachin
By NAW NOREEN / DVB Clashes between government troops and the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) around a village in Mogaung Township, Kachin State, have sent more than 800 people fleeing to the nearby...
Calls grow for withdrawal of Burma Army troops in Karen State’s Hpapun
By ANDREW D. KASPAR Joining a rising chorus of voices objecting to the encroachment of Burma Army troops into territory in Karen State, hundreds of villagers in the state’s Hpapun Township staged a...
Two civilians killed as RCSS-TNLA fighting flares again
By NANG MYA NADI Fighting between the Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS) and the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) flared once again this week in Kyaukme Township, Shan State, with a...
Reclaiming the narrative on women in Burma
By MAGGI QUADRINI As ongoing violence in Burma continues to forcibly displace thousands of people, women are too often being represented as victims within the narrative of conflict. While detailing...
NMSP, KNU sit for talks following clashes over territory
The Karen National Union (KNU) and New Mon State Party (NMSP) may be close to reconciliation after both sides sat for talks in the Mon border town of Three Pagodas Pass on Tuesday. The talks were...
Wa, Mongla groups ‘accept’ nationwide ceasefire accord: govt peacemaker
A member of the government’s Peace Commission has said the United Wa State Army (UWSA) and the National Democratic Alliance Army (NDAA), the latter also known as the “Mongla group,” accept the...
Two steps closer to peace? Mon, Lahu ethnic armed groups sign NCA
By YE MON 13 February 2018 The New Mon State Party and Lahu Democratic Union signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) on Tuesday, fulfilling a pledge that the two ethnic armed groups made last...
Two of several ethnic armed group holdouts commit to signing NCA
The New Mon State Party and Lahu Democratic Union will sign the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement, marking the first time that ethnic armed organisations have acceded to the accord since eight initial...
Burmese peace talks ‘deadlocked’ over terminology, says UNFC
By YE MON A disagreement over simple terminology is grinding peace talks to a standstill, according to Tun Zaw, a central executive member of the ethnic bloc United Nationalities Federal Council...
Burma urged to prepare for earthquakes, tsunamis
The Myanmar Earthquake Committee has warned that the risk exists of a high-intensity earthquake on the Sagaing Fault which could trigger a tsunami along the Burmese coastline, and has recommended...
Life or death: Giving birth in Burma
By LIBBY HOGAN / DVB, 3 November 2017 Cer Lui had to make a split decision — to either drive herself to the hospital more than six hours away by motorbike, or stay in her home with her seven children...
NCA signatories urge govt to reboot peace process
By YE MON Ahead of a ceremony on 15 October to mark the second anniversary of the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA), a leading member of the negotiating team for the eight signatories to the...
Chin State, marked by change, looks to hold on to its roots
By Libby Hogan “At the age of 10, I got my tattoos,” says Ma Lha Sen. Tracing with her finger the spiderweb-like design covering her face, she retells the story of the two-day, painful process. “It...