Marylène Seguy | Goma, le 8 février 2018 – La Mission de l’ONU pour la stabilisation en RDC (MONUSCO) a remis jeudi 8 février 18 panneaux solaires et 24 batteries à l’Observatoire volcanologique de...
DR Congo: Volcano Nyiragongo - Jan 2002 Updates
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Goma prend son envol
LES POINTS MARQUANTS À Goma, la capitale du Nord Kivu, région minée par des années de conflit, l’espoir renaît et l’activité économique reprend Des travaux de modernisation de l’aéroport de Goma et...
World + 15 more
All Under One Roof: Disability-inclusive shelter and settlements in emergencies

Summary Persons with disabilities often experience discrimination and exclusion, despite the adoption of an increasingly rights-based approach to humanitarian assistance. The past three decades have...
La Banque mondiale débloque 52 millions USD pour la réhabilitation de l’aéroport de Goma
Le conseil d’administration de la Banque mondiale (BM) a octroyé à la RDC un don de 52 millions de dollars américains pour à améliorer la sureté, la sécurité et le fonctionnement de l’aéroport de...
World + 21 more
Shelter Projects 2011-2012

The fourth edition of ‘Shelter Projects’, is launched at a time when shelter is more relevant than ever as an instrument of humanitarian response. The case studies in this edition reflect the...
World + 4 more
USAID/OFDA Shelter and Settlements Sector Update October 2013

SECTOR OVERVIEW USAID’s Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID/OFDA) remains at the forefront of the humanitarian community’s shelter and settlements (S&S) activities, all of which revolve...
Advanced Workshop on Evaluating, Monitoring and Communicating Volcanic and Seismic Hazards in East Africa - The January 2002 Volcano-Tectonic Eruption of Nyiragongo volcano, Democratic Republic of Congo

Volcanological map of Nyiragongo and Nyamulagira volcanoes with the digital seismic network sourrounding the volcanoes. The northwestern side of the volcanoes cannot be covered because of (i) a...
RD Congo/Goma : 14 millions d'euros de l'Allemagne pour réhabiliter l'aéroport
Nord Kivu | 13 Décembre 2008 à 10:00:37 Le directeur en charge des affaires de l'ONU, au ministère des Affaires étrangères de l'Allemagne, est en séjour en RDC. Il a annoncé vendredi qu'environ 14...
Kenya + 3 more
East Africa: Disasters overwhelm regional governments - 10 Jan 2008
SUBJECT: Natural disaster preparedness in East Africa and the Great Lakes. SIGNIFICANCE: Over the past 20 years, greater responsibility has been placed upon national governments for disaster...
Afghanistan + 37 more
Cash and vouchers in emergencies
Researched, written and published by the Humanitarian Policy Group at ODI Paul Harvey Research Fellow, HPG Executive summary Researched, written and published by the Humanitarian Policy Group at ODI...
DRC: Nyiragongo, Goma lives yesterday's disaster
Jennifer Bakody/MONUC It passed without notice in international headlines: January 17, 2005, the date that marked three years after red-hot lava poured out of Mount Nyiragongo down through the...
RDC: Des missionnaires italiens aident des Congolais à dépasser leurs différences
Gabriela Litre et Charles Ntiryica/MONUC Poupées, tissus colorés, pots en céramique. Dans les modestes installations en bois de l'Ecole des Métiers Baraza La Wamama Tupendane, une quarantaine de...
DRC: On-going volcanic activity in the east causing serious health problems
[This report does not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations] NAIROBI, 25 August (IRIN) - Two years of emissions of gas, ash and cinders from Nyiragongo and Nyamulagira volcanoes in...
Afghanistan + 25 more
WFP Emergency Report No. 22 of 2004
This report includes: (A) Middle East, Central Asia and Eastern Europe: (1) Afghanistan (B) East and Central Africa: East and Central Africa: (1) Burundi, (2) Djibouti, (3) DR Congo, (4) Eritrea, (5)...
ACT Appeal DRC: Emergency relief - AFDC-42
Relief & Rehabilitation in North Kivu & Oriental Provinces Appeal Target: US$ 1,486,969 Geneva, 19 April 2004 Dear Colleagues, The year 2003 saw some improvements in the political situation in the...
Road to recovery in the DR Congo?
In the Democratic Republic of the Congo, older people and their families are trying to rebuild their lives. A new government is being formed after almost five years of war in which human rights...
DR Congo + 1 more
Democratic Republic of Congo and the Republic of Congo: Appeal No. 01.06/2002 Annual Report

Appeal target: CHF 3,761,809; Appeal coverage: 48% Overall analysis of the programme Some of the activities set out in the 2002-2003 Appeal for the National Societies (NSs) of the Democratic Republic...
Afghanistan + 28 more
WFP Emergency Report No. 25 of 2003
This report includes: A) Middle East and Central Asia: (1) Iraq, (2) Iran, (3) Afghanistan B) East and Central Africa: (1) Republic of Congo, (2) DR Congo, (3) Burundi, (4) Uganda, (5) Tanzania, (6)...
DRC: Volcanic ash threatens human health and agriculture
GOMA, 15 May (IRIN) - A senior volcanologist has warned of adverse effects of volcanic ash on both human health and agriculture in the region surrounding Mt Nyiragongo, an active volcano located 10...
DR Congo + 1 more
DRC and ROC Appeal No. 01.06/2002 Annual Report
Appeal N=B0 01.06/2002; Appeal target: CHF 3,761,809; Appeal coverage: 48% Overall analysis of the programme Some of the activities set out in the 2002-2003 Appeal for the National Societies (NSs) of...