Suivi des points d’action Tenir une réunion pour discuter des pistes pour enrichir les analyses du monitoring de protection avec des contributions des AoR (PE, VBG) Mettre à disposition les outils de...
Suivi des points d’action Tenir une réunion pour discuter des pistes pour enrichir les analyses du monitoring de protection avec des contributions des AoR (PE, VBG) Mettre à disposition les outils de...
INRODUCTION The fall of Bashar al-Assad's regime on December 8, 2024, marked the end of 54 years of dynastic rule, leaving Syria in turmoil after a devastating 13-year conflict that claimed over...
Human Rights Council Fifty-eighth session Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights I. Executive Summary 1. This forty-first report by the Office of the United Nations High...
GINEBRA – El Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos Volker Türk ha lanzado un llamamiento para recaudar fondos por valor de 500 millones de dólares americanos para 2025,...
GENÈVE – Le Haut Commissaire des Nations Unies aux droits de l’homme Volker Türk a lancé un appel de fonds de 500 millions de dollars pour 2025, afin de répondre aux besoins mondiaux en matière de...
Summary The present briefer explores the intersection of human rights and artificial intelligence in the military domain, examining the use of AI in warfare and its human rights implications. It also...
Summary The Guiding Principles on sanctions, business and human rights were developed to establish guidelines and benchmarks for States, international, universal, and regional organizations and...
Colombia + 4 more
RESUMEN EJECUTIVO INTRODUCCIÓN Colombia ha sido reconocido como el principal país receptor de migrantes, refugiados y retornados procedentes de Venezuela. Según cifras de Migración Colombia, a...
Le Conseil des droits de l’homme a ouvert ce matin sa trente-septième session extraordinaire, consacrée à la situation des droits de l’homme dans l’est de la République démocratique du Congo. Dans sa...
Human Rights Council Opens Special Session on the Situation of Human Rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo The Human Rights Council this morning opened its thirty-seventh special session on...
Myanmar + 5 more
El intenso conflicto en el estado de Rakhine, en Myanmar, ha empeorado la difícil situación de la población rohingya, una minoría musulmana perseguida y apátrida, empujando a un número cada vez mayor...
World + 1 more
Please refer to the attached file.
Myanmar + 5 more
Les conflits intenses dans l'État de Rakhine au Myanmar ont aggravé de manière dramatique la situation des Rohingyas, une minorité musulmane persécutée et apatride, poussant un nombre croissant...
Myanmar + 5 more
Intense conflict in Myanmar’s Rakhine State has worsened the plight of the Rohingya, a persecuted and stateless Muslim minority, pushing increasing numbers to flee by boat. By Alfiyya Haq in Aceh and...
GENEVA – UN experts* today condemned shocking threats by US President Donald Trump to “take over” and “own” Gaza and move the Palestinian population elsewhere, using military force if necessary. ...
“I’ve never seen anything like it in my life,” says MSF emergency coordinator Caroline Seguin in a new Q&A about the situation in North Gaza. Despite the ceasefire in Gaza implemented on January 19,...
Lebanon + 1 more
Situation overview In the Bekaa, daily crossings at the Masnaa official crossing point (OCP) continue at a low but steady rate, averaging 1,000 entry and exit movements per day. However, no crossings...
Escalating insecurity has led to the gradual withdrawal of public services from Cité Soleil, exacerbating health risks while access to health care remains extremely limited. Since 2022, the Cité...
oPt + 1 more
Key Highlights Humanitarian actors continue to scale up operations across the Gaza Strip. In the first 10 days of February, 360 patients, including 156 children, were medically evacuated from Gaza,...
World + 1 more
Author: Stephanie BidenSuhan Rajkumar President Trump’s recent executive order, Reevaluating and Realigning United States Foreign Aid has rocked the international development community. The order...