Period covered by this Final: May 2012 to March 2013 Appeal target (current): CHF 624,074 Appeal coverage: 100% Appeal history: This Emergency Appeal was initially launched on 4 May 2012 with for CHF...
Period covered by this Final: May 2012 to March 2013 Appeal target (current): CHF 624,074 Appeal coverage: 100% Appeal history: This Emergency Appeal was initially launched on 4 May 2012 with for CHF...
World + 1 more
La Fédération internationale des Sociétés de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge (FICR) et le Groupe de la Banque africaine de développement (BAD) ont signé à Tunis, le 3 octobre, un protocole...
World + 24 more
This report covers the period 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2012 Overview Programme outcome The Africa Zone comprises the Africa Zone Office, plus 13 regional and country representations, in 2012,...
Madagascar + 2 more
This report covers the period 1 January to 31 December, 2012. Overview The Indian Ocean Islands (IOI) experience different kinds of disasters each year ranging from flooding, cyclones, strong winds...
Comoros + 8 more
Comoros: Flash Flooding On Grande Comore island, heavy rains between 30 April and 1 May caused some rivers to overflow. An estimated 172 families were affected, of which 82 families had to stay with...
WASHINGTON, March 28, 2013 – The World Bank’s Board of Executive Directors today approved a grant of US$3 million to help Comoros scale up an emergency response in parts of the island hit by recent...
1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this review is to examine the extent to which the goal, objectives and expected results of the Comoros Flash Floods emergency operation were achieved in terms of...
This Revised Emergency Appeal extends the duration of the existing appeal an additional 5 months, for a reduced amount of CHF 624,074 to support the Comoros Red Crescent to complete outstanding...
HIGHLIGHTS · The Union of the Comoros increases its resilience to heavy human and economic losses due to natural disasters · World Bank funded immediate recovery efforts focus on the most affected...
Madagascar + 1 more
This report covers the period 01/01/2012 to 30/06/2012 Overview Prone as they are to natural disasters the Indian Ocean Islands are yet again experiencing both cyclones and flash floods. During the...
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY From 20 – 25 April 2012, the three islands of the Union of Comoros – Grande-Comore, Anjouan and Moheli - were hit by extremely high levels of torrential rains: 1,738 mm - almost...
RESUME ANALYTIQUE Entre le 20 et le 25 avril 2012, trois îles de l'Union des Comores – Grande-Comore, Anjouan et Mohéli - ont été touchées par des niveaux extrêmement élevés de pluies torrentielles:...
Comoros + 1 more
PRETORIA, 11 septembre 2012 (IRIN) - En avril dernier, l'archipel des Comores a été balayé par des pluies comme personne n'en avait vu depuis des décennies, qui ont déplacé des familles entières et...
Comoros + 1 more
PRETORIA, 10 September 2012 (IRIN) - In April, the archipelago nation of Comoros was lashed by its heaviest downpour in decades, uprooting families and the destroying crops and incomes of its poorest...
Angola + 11 more
In this issue 2012/13 Seasonal Rainfall Forecast P.1 Regional Food Security Worsens P.2 Comoros Early Recovery Plan P.5 Regional Humanitarian Trainings P.5
Malawi + 7 more
COMOROS: A donor round table meeting to launch the Comoros Early Recovery Plan will be held on 5 September 2012, in Pretoria, South Africa. LESOTHO: CERF: Agencies have begun beneficiary selection...
Period covered by this Operations Update: 4 May 2012 to 23 July 2012 Appeal target (current): CHF 801,629 Appeal coverage: 86%. Appeal history: This Emergency Appeal was initially launched on 4 May...
Madagascar + 3 more
THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION, Having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Having regard to the ACP-EC Partnership Agreement signed in Cotonou on 23 June 2000 and revised on 22...
HIGHLIGHTS / KEY PRIORITIES The water supply in Moroni and surroundings is being restored; however, some 50% of water is lost due to leaks. Water, Sanitation and Hygiene promotion is a priority...
Le Président de la Commission remet un chèque de 300.000 Dollars américains à l’ambassadeur des Comores Addis-Abeba, Ethiopie, 5 juillet 2012 -- Suite aux glissements de terrain et aux inondations...