CRWRC’s International Disaster Response Team and Asia staff are responding to Tropical Storm Saola in the Philippines this week, working to provide emergency food, clean-up kits, and mudding-out...
Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC) Updates
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Equipping the Vulnerable in South Sudan
This month CRWRC is launching a new livelihood initiative for families in the Republic of South Sudan who have returned to the region after living as refugees for decades. In partnership with the...
The Buzz about Bees is Making Life Better in Uganda
There is joyful buzzing going on these days in the Nebbi Diocese of the Church of Uganda—both among the excited residents and around the beehives they are establishing as an ongoing source of income...
Indonesia + 2 more
Eight Years After the South Asia Tsunami
When a massive 8.6 earthquake hit this year off the shores of Northern Sumatra, Indonesia on April 11, 2012, the communities in Banda Aceh where CRWRC had been working during the tsunami, knew...
Including People with Special Needs in Niger
Oulou* lives in a village in West Africa with his wife and four young children. When he was a young boy, Oulou had polio, which made him lose the use of his legs. Today, 37 year-old Oulou is one of...
Mozambique community blessed by new health center
Bonifácio Agostinho and his family are grateful to God for their livelihood as farmers. Last year the family produced a large crop of cassava and 150 kg of rice on their fields in Nampila,...
CRWRC increases response in Syria
The Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC) is partnering with a local organization* in Damascus to respond to the needs of Syrians who have been displaced from their homes by violence and...
Food Distribution Saving Lives in Niger
After two years of very poor harvests, people in many parts of Niger are struggling to get enough food to survive. Outside of Niamey, Niger’s capital, food is being distributed by the Christian...
Kenya + 1 more
New Maternal and Child Nutrition Program to Launch in Kenya
Starting in May, the Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC) will have a new program to address the health and nutrition needs of women and children in Kenya thanks to the Canadian...
Kenya + 2 more
New Borehole to Provide Water in Kenya
This week, families and communities in Mwatate, Kenya will have a new source of water and a new hope for consistent supplies of food thanks to a borehole being drilled by the Christian Reformed World...
Response to Food Crisis in Niger
Niger has suffered six severe food crises over the past 30 years, four of which came in the past eight years. This year, as the country faces another crisis situation, CRWRC is responding. Niger, a...
From Pigs to Patience: Shaping CRWRC's Values
“There is nothing like living for a time in a different culture to broaden your horizons or change your value system,” said Fred Schuld who served with CRWRC in the Philippines from 1970-1974. ...
One Year Update
Japan Earthquake and Tsunami: One Year Later On the afternoon of March 11, 2011, a 9.0 magnitude earthquake struck the Pacific Coast of Japan. It was the most powerful earthquake in Japan’s recorded...
CRWRC expands drought response in Ethiopia
CRWRC is expanding its drought response efforts in Ethiopia. In 2011 the entire East African region experienced the lowest level of rainfall in 60 years. CRWRC responded with $10 million of...
Niger + 5 more
CRWRC Responds to Drought in West Africa
As the Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC) nears the completion of its $10 million response to drought in Eastern Africa, its International Disaster Response team is now shifting some...
Kenya + 2 more
CRWRC Concludes Response to Drought in Kenya
In late January, the Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC) concluded its final food distribution in Kenya in response to the East Africa drought. In 2011 the region of East Africa...
One Church, One Country: CRC Ministry in Sierra Leone
“Christian Extension Services has helped our communities like no other organization,” said a resident of Seriah-Karawani village in Sierra Leone, “We’ve learned not to look at our differences...
CRWRC Provides Steady Assistance in Haiti Earthquake Recovery
JANUARY 12, 2012—Two years after the catastrophic earthquake of 2010 shook the heart of Haiti, the Christian Reformed World Relief Committee ( is working consistently to help those who...
A Look At Haiti Two Years After the Quake
“The Christian Reformed World Relief Committee (CRWRC)’s response to the devastating earthquake of January 12, 2010 has impacted many more lives and garnered much more resources than anyone on...
Responding to Tropical Storm Washi in the Philippines
Burlington, Ont -- In the early hours of December 17, strong winds and heavy rains caused massive destruction in coastal communities in the southern Filipino island of Mindanao. The Christian...