Total UCPM(1) activations for floods 2007-2024: 79 (1) UCPM: EU Civil Protection Mechanism
World + 13 more
Total UCPM(1) activations for floods 2007-2024: 79 (1) UCPM: EU Civil Protection Mechanism
Chad + 1 more
OVERVIEW Southern Chad remains severely affected by the impact of the Central African crisis, intra- and inter-communal conflicts and kidnappings for ransom, flooding, food insecurity and health...
APERCU La situation humanitaire dans la province du Lac est marquée par la poursuite des incursions armées, les effets du changement climatique et ces conséquences sur l’alimentation des populations,...
OVERVIEW The humanitarian situation in Lac Province is characterised by ongoing armed incursions, the effects of climate change and its impact on the population's nutritional status, child...
Chad + 1 more
APERCU Le sud du Tchad reste profondément affecté par l’impact de la crise centrafricaine, les conflits intra et intercommunautaires et les enlèvements contre rançon, les inondations, l'insécurité...
La carte d'analyse des zones potentiellement inondables dans les sites de Sila présente une vue d'ensemble des zones sujettes aux inondations. Elle offre une représentation visuelle claire des sites...
World + 32 more
2023 Global Humanitarian Overview (GHO) Requirements for the 2023 GHO have increased to $54.4 billion to assist 242 million of the 350 million people in need. Reported GHO funding as of end of April...
Chad + 7 more
CONTEXT AND IMPACT OF THE CRISIS Chad continues to be affected by four interconnected crises with multifaceted humanitarian consequences in a context of underdevelopment, socio-economic challenges,...
World + 36 more
2023 Global Humanitarian Overview (GHO) Requirements for the 2023 GHO have increased from $51.5 billion at the beginning of the year to $54.2 billion as of the end of March. The GHO aims to assist...
World + 36 more
Inter-Agency Coordinated Appeals: January - February Update PEOPLE IN NEED 346.6 M PEOPLE TARGETED 238.7 M REQUIREMENTS (US$) $ 54.4 B APPEALS 45 In December 2022, the 2023 GHO was launched in...
DR Congo + 19 more
SITUATION OVERVIEW In 2022, the West and Central African regions experienced one of the worst flooding disasters on record, affecting over 8.5 million people in 20 countries. The heavy rains and...
OVERVIEW In 2023, it is estimated that nearly 1.8 million children under the age of five will likely be acutely malnourished, including around 1.65 million children in the resident population, 70,000...
Durant l’année 2022, plusieurs incidents sécuritaires et climatiques ont été observés dans la province du Lac engendrant des milliers de déplacements. Au total, 1 304 ménages (5 730 individus) ont...
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Chad + 1 more
La situation humanitaire au sud du Tchad reste marquée par les déplacements forcés des populations liés à la crise centrafricaine, aux inondations, à l’insécurité alimentaire, aux urgences...
Nigeria + 3 more
The Lake Chad Basin is entering its 14th year of violence. More than 11 million people need protection and humanitarian assistance. Insecurity has been growing since the beginning of the crisis; in...
Cameroon + 2 more
Please refer to the attached Map.
Please refer to the attached Map.
World + 36 more
The 2022 Global Humanitarian Overview (GHO) requirements reached $51.7 billion by the end of the year, a 26 per cent increase from when the GHO was launched in December 2021. The number of people in...
Le suivi des urgences a pour but de recueillir des informations sur les mouvements importants et soudains de populations, ainsi que sur des urgences sécuritaires et climatiques. Les informations sont...