Introduction Tiachivska hromada (district) is situated in West Ukraine’s Zakarpatska oblast, which literally means “across the Carpathians”, stretching as it does across the country’s largest...
Introduction Tiachivska hromada (district) is situated in West Ukraine’s Zakarpatska oblast, which literally means “across the Carpathians”, stretching as it does across the country’s largest...
Summary: Problem: Moldova’s varying climate and vulnerability to disasters impacts its economy, environment and population Solution: Strengthen capacity at a national level with a weather monitoring...
Serbia + 22 more
Please refer to the attached Map.
Project Objectives The Project development objective (PDO) is to strengthen the State Hydrometeorological Service's ability to forecast severe weather and improve Moldova's capacity to prepare for...
In brief Programme purpose: The programmes supported by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) in Moldova aim to mitigate the impact of disasters; to improve the...
In brief Programme purpose: The programmes supported by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) aim to reduce the number of deaths, injuries and impact from...
Project Objectives [from section 2 of PCN] The objective of the proposed Disaster Risk Mitigation and Adaptation Project for Moldova is to reduce the country's vulnerability to natural hazards and...
A joint partnership between the World Bank, the Moldovan Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry and the Ministry of Environment was launched in Moldova's capital in the late days of October. The...
Moldova + 1 more
GLIDE n=B0 FL-2008-000122- UKR/MDA Period covered by this Final Report: 05 August 2008 to 31 May, 2009 Appeal target: CHF 1,510,242 (USD 1,418,134 or EUR 996,721) Final Appeal coverage: 100% Appeal...
Belarus + 3 more
Appeal No. MAA67003 30/08/2009 This report covers the period 01/01/2009 to 30/06/2009. In brief Programme summary: The International Federation's regional representation in Moscow worked with the...
IP/09/1144 Brussels, 16 July 2009 - Pawe? Sam ecki, European Commissioner for Regional Policy, today confirmed that the Commission has decided to allocate aid totalling € 11.78 million for Romania,...
Afghanistan + 45 more
General Assembly Sixty-fourth session Item 71 (a) of the preliminary list* Strengthening of the coordination of humanitarian and disaster relief assistance of the United Nations, including special...
Afghanistan + 45 more
Assemblée générale Soixante-quatrième session Point 71 a) de la liste préliminaire* Renforcement de la coordination de l'aide humanitaire et des secours en cas de catastrophe fournis par les...
Moldova + 1 more
GLIDE No. FL-2008-000122-UKR/MDA Period covered by this Ops Update: 5 August to 31 February 2008 Revised appeal target: CHF 1,533,543 Appeal history: - This Emergency Appeal was launched on 5 August...
P6_TA-PROV(2009)0104 The European Parliament, - having regard to Article 272 of the EC Treaty and Article 177 of the Euratom Treaty, - having regard to Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002...
By Laura Sheahen The blue-painted cottage nestled by a river-with blooming rosebushes, a large vegetable garden, and nine chickens pecking around-probably looked idyllic during the summer of 2008...
Afghanistan + 17 more
Ottawa, Ontario - Donnant suite à son engagement en faveur d'une aide internationale plus centrée, plus efficace et plus responsable, le gouvernement du Canada a annoncé aujourd'hui qu'il amorçait...
Afghanistan + 17 more
Ottawa, Ontario - Delivering on its commitment to make its international assistance more focused, more effective and more accountable, the Government of Canada announced today that it was moving...
Text and pictures by Hayarpi Karapetyan, information officer with the Armenian Red Cross Society If you were trying to define "the back of beyond" you'd describe Tismenitsa. It's a tiny village in...
SACRAMENTO, Nov. 18, 2008 - For California National Guardsmen, the annual fire season has rendered moot the question of whether natural disasters will strike the state. No longer do they ask "if,"...