In June 2024, the UN convened the Fourth Review Conference (RevCon4) for the UN Programme of Action (UNPoA) on the illicit trade of small arms and light weapons (SALW) and its International Tracing...
In June 2024, the UN convened the Fourth Review Conference (RevCon4) for the UN Programme of Action (UNPoA) on the illicit trade of small arms and light weapons (SALW) and its International Tracing...
Erin McCandless The United Nations (UN) has recently set out its New Agenda for Peace, and Secretary-General António Guterres has underscored the urgency for action: member states must respond to the...
World + 8 more
Economic sanctions and restrictions on development aid in fragile and conflict-affected states have become an increasingly prominent part of the international toolkit for dealing with regimes that...
Author Roshni Menon Senior Program Officer Inequalities can shape, drive, and amplify crises and at the same time, be the consequence of crises. The double shock of the COVID-19 pandemic followed by...
Roshni Menon, Faiza Shaheen When Russia invaded Ukraine one year ago, there were immediate concerns about the effects on food and energy security, and on geopolitical alignment in other countries...
World + 9 more
Authors Sarah Cliffe. Executive Director Renata Dwan, Senior Consulting Fellow, Chatham House; Senior Fellow, NYU CIC Betty Wainaina, Associate Director, UN/IFIs Leah Zamore. Associate Director,...
World + 11 more
Author Roshni Menon Senior Program Officer Inequalities can shape, drive, and amplify crises and at the same time, be the consequence of crises. The double shock of the COVID-19 pandemic followed by...
World + 3 more
by Scott Guggenheim and Sir Charles Petrie Economic sanctions and restrictions on development aid in fragile and conflict-affected states have become an increasingly prominent part of the...
Colombia + 1 more
There are over six million Venezuelan migrants and refugees globally, more than 1.8 million living in neighboring Colombia. These individuals have fled a country suffering from years of economic...
World + 5 more
While the Gulf States have long been generous providers of foreign aid, it is only in recent years that they have publicly committed to playing a major role as peacebuilders. This paper analyzes the...
All three of the recent UN secretary-general reports on peacebuilding and sustaining peace (2018, 2019, and 2020) take note of the need to enhance collaboration between the UN---not only its...
Afghanistan faces many hurdles in coping with the COVID-19 pandemic: a prolonged armed conflict, a lack of social protection systems, limited healthcare capacity, and insufficient preparedness and...
The infrastructure, technology, and resources that a United Nations peacekeeping operation brings can open up new opportunities in key conflict-affected areas of the world. United Nations (UN)...
This is the first article in a new series the Center on International Cooperation is publishing: Tackling the Impunity Gap in Syria. In this series, we will examine different issues stemming from the...
The Arc of Protection Introduction: Toward a New International Refugee Regime S Books is proud to be publishing a draft of a pathbreaking study of the international refugee crisis, along with...
Background The importance to sustaining peace of peace operations’ drawdown or “transition” periods is recognized in the twin peacebuilding and sustaining peace resolutions (A/RES/70/262,...
By Michael Keating and Sagal Abshir Executive summary Starting from a very low base, Somalia is making slow but definite, if reversible, progress towards becoming a capable, peaceful, and fully...
by Paige Arthur The United Nations Secretary-General’s new report on sustaining peace is the long-awaited response to the call to report on the implementation of the General Assembly’s and Security...
By Riva Kantowitz There is a staggering investment deficit in the prevention of violent conflict. Mercy Corps notes that 10 years ago, 80 percent of humanitarian assistance went to responding to...
By Sarah Cliffe and David Steven An integrated approach to crisis and conflict prevention requires clarity on what is meant by prevention, and how the concept of prevention fits with the 2030 Agenda,...