Prepared by Allyson Rail, Brendan Edge, Derek Voitic, and Sam Chiappetta Executive Summary Haiti is facing multifaceted and serious challenges. Government institutions have ceased to function...
Prepared by Allyson Rail, Brendan Edge, Derek Voitic, and Sam Chiappetta Executive Summary Haiti is facing multifaceted and serious challenges. Government institutions have ceased to function...
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Central African Republic (CAR) was thought to be on the path to stability in 2019, but further fighting erupted in late 2020 due to contested elections. This has continued a...
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The current conflict in Myanmar began with the 2021 coup d’état. The conflict between the ruling junta and pro-democracry movement has accelerated environmental degradation and hurt...
Haiti + 2 more
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The African slaves who manumitted themselves from the French in 1804 changed their nation to its Taino name: “Ayiti”, or Haiti, means “high mountains”. The uneven terrain which...
Afghanistan + 2 more
Executive Summary The Taliban’s ascension to power in Afghanistan in August of 2021 has presented a fundamental shift in the trajectory of the future of the country’s political, economic, and...
Ethiopia + 3 more
Executive Summary As a cultural mosaic of over 80 diverse ethnic groups, interethnic tensions, power dynamics, and historical context are central to understanding all aspects of Ethiopia’s political,...
Burkina Faso + 3 more
Executive Summary For decades, the land-locked country of Burkina Faso has avoided the exogenous shocks and internal conflicts that have plagued so many of its neighbors. As a result, authoritarian...
Sudan + 1 more
Prepared by: Laura Stevens, Daphne Wang, and Hashim Ismail Executive Summary Sudan has ranked as one of the most fragile states in the world for the past decade. Since the establishment of the...
Nepal + 3 more
By Jennifer Coulthard, KC McLean, and Sarah Mackintosh Executive Summary Since the end of the civil war in 2006, Nepal has maintained the peace, established a new constitution, held successful...
Background ■ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrvuZpk65Rw ■ In May 1966 the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (“the FARC”) was established. ■ In August 2016, following four years of negotiations...
Conflict Background Yemen has a weak, highly decentralized central government that has struggled to rule the northern Yemen Arab Republic (YAR) and the southern People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen...
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The ongoing conflict in the Palestinian territories has largely been characterized by its protracted history of armed conflict, fragile governance and high levels of political...
Executive Summary This diagnostic report examines trends in structural factors in South Sudan since 2m013 based on risk assessment indicators, global trends, and key stakeholder interactions. Based...
DR Congo + 2 more
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Background In 1960, the DRC gained independence from King Leopold II and Belgium after nationalist uprisings in now called Kinshasa. The newly independent Congo...
Executive Summary In 2013, the Central African Republic (CAR), a mineral-rich country, has descended into a violent inter-ethnic conflict between the majority Christian population and the Muslim...
Executive Summary: Despite billions in aid and a series of international interventions, Somalia has ranked as the world’s most fragile state for much of the past decade. This raises the question as...
World + 19 more
Executive Summary This Country Indicators for Foreign Policy (CIFP) report provides a global fragility ranking for a total of 198 countries using 2014 data. South Sudan tops the list of most fragile...
Executive Summary The Northern third of the island is the primarily Turkish Cypriot & Turkish settler “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.” Although arguably de facto sovereign, TRNC is recognized...
Background Since declaring independence in 1991, government corruption and economic turbulence have contributed to political unrest in Ukraine. With previous protests yielding little structural...
Background Since gaining independence from Belgium in 1962, Burundi has been racked by successive waves of political violence. In the past fifty years, Burundi has suffered three civil conflicts,...