Highlights As of 30 January, Knesset legislation against UNRWA started to go into effect. This includes implementing a no-contact policy between UNRWA and the Israeli authorities. UNRWA operations...
oPt + 1 more
Highlights As of 30 January, Knesset legislation against UNRWA started to go into effect. This includes implementing a no-contact policy between UNRWA and the Israeli authorities. UNRWA operations...
World + 1 more
La Corte Penal Internacional condena la publicación por Estados Unidos de una orden ejecutiva que busca imponer sanciones a sus funcionarios y perjudicar su labor judicial independiente e imparcial...
The humanitarian crisis in the occupied Palestinian territories remains dire, despite a temporary ceasefire that began on 19 January 2025. Gaza has witnessed mass destruction, with satellite data...
World + 1 more
La Cour pénale internationale condamne la publication par les États-Unis d’un décret exécutif visant à imposer des sanctions à ses fonctionnaires et à nuire à son travail judiciaire indépendant et...
World + 1 more
The ICC condemns the issuance by the US of an Executive Order seeking to impose sanctions on its officials and harm its independent and impartial judicial work. The Court stands firmly by its...
DR Congo + 2 more
By Paul Nantulya A shifting political calculus by sponsors of the M23 rebel group risks triggering another war in the Great Lakes Region, underscoring the importance of African mediators and global...
CRISIS OVERVIEW On 20 January 2025, US President Donald Trump issued an executive order (EO) calling for a 90-day suspension of US-funded foreign aid, including humanitarian operations (WH 20/01/2025...
In Goma, Eastern DRC, humanitarian needs remain critical for the thousands of people displaced by severe fighting and living in camps, schools, and churches in and around the city. MSF continues to...
Luk Riek Yak UNITY/RUWENG – To help end the brutal cycle of violence between neighboring communities, the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) organized a peace forum with talks taking...
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
Highlights On 03 February, the ETC organized and attended an online meeting with representatives from Ericsson Response, the Government of Luxembourg, and the World Food Programme (WFP) to discuss...
Après des jours d’affrontements, les habitants de Goma ont plus que jamais besoin d’aide humanitaire. HI apporte une réponse en réadaptation et en santé mentale en urgence. Des risques majeurs pour...
After days of fighting, the people of Goma’s need for humanitarian aid is greater than ever. HI is providing an emergency rehabilitation and mental health support. Major risks for civilians The...
Please refer to the attached Infographic.
SUMMARY OF CRISIS AND KEY FINDINGS Niger is contending with a severe humanitarian crisis due to regional instability in the Tillabéri, Maradi, Diffa, and Tahoua regions. The instability stems from...
Please refer to the attached Map.
DR Congo + 2 more
Par Paul Nantulya L'évolution du calcul politique des parrains du groupe rebelle M23 risque de déclencher une nouvelle guerre dans la région des Grands Lacs, ce qui souligne l'importance pour les...
oPt + 1 more
Ashdod/Rome – Fifteen IVECO trucks donated by the Italian Government as part of the Food for Gaza initiative were handed over to the UN World Food Programme (WFP) today during a ceremony in the...
La récente recrudescence de la violence dans l’est de la République démocratique du Congo a entraîné d’importantes pertes en vies humaines, des traumatismes, des déplacements et la destruction...
Aymard Gilles Quentin Mocki Les membres du Comité de Mise en Œuvre Préfectorale (CMOP) d’Obo se sont réunis le 5 février 2025 pour relancer leurs actions en faveur de la paix et de la stabilité dans...