Ciudad de Panamá - Esta semana, los gobiernos de América Latina y el Caribe se reúnen en Santiago para marcar un hito importante con la adopción de la Declaración y el Plan de Acción de Chile...
COOPI - Cooperazione Internazionale (COOPI) Updates
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Baseline Assessment Findings For Somali Cash Consortium's (SCC) Shock-Based Cash Assistance To Vulnerable Communities in Somalia, July 2024
KEY MESSAGES More than half (53%) of the assessed households (HHs) were found to be severely food insecure, while an additional 42% were moderately food insecure. Notably, Doolow and Afmadow had the...
Lebanon + 1 more
Lebanon crisis: COOPI is mobilising to provide food aid to displaced people
In just two days, more than 1,500 attacks by Israeli forces have hit Lebanese territory. The consequences are devastating: more than 1,200 people have died, 50 of them children, thousands have been...
DRC. Education and awareness count to combat child malnutrition: word from village chief Ntumba André
In the village of Mpepele, located in the Kadiata Health Area (Mikalayi Health Zone), Central Kasai Province, the fight against malnutrition has found a new impetus thanks to the intervention of the...
CAR + 1 more
République Centrafricaine : Analyse de la situation des violences basées sur le genre (VBG) dans les préfectures couvertes par le HCR et ses partenaires (janvier à décembre 2023)
CONTEXTE La République Centrafricaine (RCA) est en proie à de nombreux conflits depuis plus d'une décennie, avec la présence continue de groupes armés (GA) très actifs dans les localités de l’Est, du...
Aid groups call on the international community as civilians continue to pay the price of inaction in eastern DR Congo
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Nairobi, 05 July 2024 – In the latest episode of a resurgence in conflict and violence in eastern DR Congo, hundreds of thousands of people have been forcibly displaced as...
Failure of the international community could leave millions at risk of famine in Sudan.
Following 14 months of escalating conflict, Sudan has become the world’s largest hunger crisis with over half of the country experiencing severe food insecurity. 25.6 million people are projected to...
92 NGOs urgently call for the re-establishment of telecommunications infrastructure across Sudan
Khartoum, Sudan, May 15, 2024 — In the midst of the devastating humanitarian crisis that is fast deteriorating in Sudan, we, representing 92 humanitarian, civil society, human rights organizations...
Telecommunications Blackout in Sudan: Parties to the Conflict Must End Collective Punishment and Enable Access to Life-Saving Telecommunications [EN/AR]
In the midst of the devastating humanitarian crisis that is fast deteriorating in Sudan, we, representing 94 humanitarian, civil society, human rights organizations and members of the #KeepItOn...
Sudan + 2 more
Conflict and hunger in Sudan: an NGO call to action
The conflict in Sudan has already created the world’s largest displacement crisis. Now fighting, displacement and lack of humanitarian access to the most vulnerable population places millions at risk...
Gaza: los lanzamientos aéreos y las rutas marítimas no son una alternativa a la entrega de ayuda por tierra
13 marzo 2024 25 ONG piden a los gobiernos que den prioridad al alto el fuego y a la ayuda humanitaria terrestre a medida que aumentan las muertes por desnutrición y enfermedades Las organizaciones...
Gaza: Airdrops and sea routes are no alternative to aid delivery by land
25 NGOs call on governments to prioritize ceasefire and ground-based humanitarian aid as deaths from malnutrition and disease risk Human rights and humanitarian organizations present on the ground in...
Gaza : États-Unis et Union européenne ne peuvent se cacher derrière les largages et une voie maritime pour créer l’illusion qu’ils répondent aux besoins
Alors que les décès liés à la malnutrition et les maladies augmentent, 25 ONG appellent les gouvernements à exiger en priorité un cessez-le-feu et un acheminement de l’aide humanitaire par voie...
Ecuador + 2 more
Informe final de monitoreo de precios de productos alimentarios, higiene y limpieza de mayor consumo de la población refugiada y migrante en Ecuador (Actualizado a noviembre de 2023)
Introducción Los desafíos del contexto actual en Ecuador y la presencia de posibles eventos adversos, han sido elementos tomados en consideración por el grupo de trabajo de Programas de...
République démocratique du Congo : Compte rendu - Relais humanitaire Kananga coordination régionale du Grand Kasaï | 18 Janvier 2024
INTRODUCTION DISCUSSION C’est à 14 h 15 minutes que la première réunion du cluster de l’année 2024 a débutée par le mot de bienvenue à tous les participants en ligne et présentiel ténu par le...
Ecuador + 2 more
Informe de monitoreo de precios de productos alimentarios, higiene y limpieza de mayor consumo de la población refugiada y migrante
Introducción Los desafíos del contexto actual en Ecuador y la presencia de posibles eventos o desastres naturales, han sido elementos tomados en consideración por el grupo de trabajo GT PTM para el...
L’incapacité de la CEDEAO à adopter des exemptions aux sanctions contre le Niger met en danger la vie de millions de Nigériens
Niamey, Niger, December 11, 2023 — Les ONG internationales du Niger expriment leur profonde déception face à l'absence d'exemptions humanitaires accordées par la Communauté économique des États de...
ECOWAS’ failure to adopt exemptions to Niger sanctions puts lives of millions of Nigeriens at risk
Niamey, Niger, December 11, 2023 — International NGOs in Niger are expressing deep disappointment in the lack of humanitarian exemptions made by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)...
Joint call for action by humanitarian, climate and development organisations to support the demand for the Loss and Damage Fund
Preamble: In an era marked by the increasingly palpable ramifications of climate change, the interplay between its impacts and humanitarian crises has intensified. Marginalised and vulnerable...
Sudan + 5 more
As the Sudan crisis deepens, INGOs warn of the cost of inaction, and call for immediate funding, access, and protection for civilians and aid workers
Nairobi, 19 September 2023 – The Inter-Agency Working Group for the East and Central Africa region is deeply concerned about the escalating humanitarian crisis in Sudan and the region, and the slow...