Robust data and frameworks for measuring climate adaptation are urgently needed to guide investments and boost the resilience of smallholder farmers across Africa. By: Anastacia Wanjiru, Lucy Njuguna ...
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Workshop Report Promoting Risk management solutions in fragile settings of Northern Nigeria

Centre for Dryland Agriculture Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria Hakeem Ayinde Ajeigbe 1 , Rupsha Banerjee2 , Kelvin Shikuku 3 , and Anthony Whitbread 4 1-4 International Livestock Research Institute ...
Strengthening Anticipatory Action in Zambia: A Practical Workshop on Utilizing CGIAR and Zambia Red Cross Society Solutions (June 2024)

Authors Jeya Raj, Renuka Alahacoon, Niranga Amarnath, Giriraj Wina, W. Abstract/Description Zambia, a country rich in natural resources and biodiversity, is increasingly vulnerable to the escalating...
Ethiopia + 4 more
Anticipatory Action in Communities Hosting Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons: A Synthesis Report with Case Studies from Ethiopia, Jordan and Pakistan (December 2024)

Authors Adam-Bradford, A. Anagreh, A. Dessalegn, Mengistu Hafeez, Mohsin Khalid, Sidra Mekuria, Wolde Melaku, Dagmawi Schindler, A. Singh, R. Ruckstuhl, Sandra Executive Summary UNHCR (2024a) reports...
Guideline on Implementing Nutrition-sensitive Actions in the Agri-food Systems

Key Messages 1. Broader Focus on Nutrition: - Integrate nutritional goals into all stages of intervention design and implementation. - Conduct thorough contextual and process evaluations to address...
Farm differentiation and intervention targeting in Mixed Farming Systems of Coastal and Inland Bangladesh

Powell Mponela, Sharif Ahmed, Farah Deba Keya, Ishrat Jahanara, Masud Rana, Santiago Lopez, Timothy J Krupnik ABSTRACT Multiple stakeholders use farm and farmer attributes such as land size and...
Assessment of the use of livestock climate information in Senegal

Citation Ouedraogo, I.; Ndeye, A.K.; Serign, F.; Babacar, S. (2025) Assessment of the use of livestock climate information in Senegal. 18 p. Abstract/Description The assessment of use of the...
A review of vulnerabilities of water systems-related risks in Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) host communities in Adamawa State, Nigeria

Citation Okem, A.; Osei-Amponsah, C.; Onyeneke, R.; Ruckstuhl, S. 2024. A review of vulnerabilities of water systems-related risks in internally displaced persons (IDPs) host communities in Adamawa...
Resilience and Peace-Building for Water-Related Vulnerabilities in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Communities: A Technical Guide

September 2024 Authors Osei-Amponsah, Charity Okem, Andrew Onyeneke, R. Ruckstuhl, Sandra Abstract/Description Water-related vulnerabilities are increasingly contributing to tensions in fragile and...
A Protocol for a Systematic Review of CGIAR’s Research (2012-2023) on Climate-Induced Extreme Rainfall and Floods

Authors Chikozho, C. Managa L.R. Kujinga, K. Bosire, Caroline K. Mukherji, Aditi Abstract Background - Despite the implementation of targeted research and agricultural extension interventions in...
Kenya + 2 more
Climate Information Services and Risk-Contingent Credit: Examining the CGIAR Initiative on Climate Resilience (ClimBeR) Influence and Intervention Impact

Maurice Juma Ogada Abstract/Description This report evaluates the influence and impact of the CGIAR Initiative on Climate Resilience (ClimBeR), specifically examining the effectiveness of Climate...
Burkina Faso + 7 more
Linking Social Protection to Climate Change Adaptation
A map-based complement for a study on social protection and inclusive climate change adaptation opportunities in India, Jordan and the Sahel CGIAR FOCUS Climate Security team View the StoryMap here. ...
A protocol for systematic review of CGIAR’s research (2012-2023) on climate-induced drought and heat stress

Mamta Mehar, Khushi Kajal, Aditi Mukherji December 2024 Abstract This protocol outlines a systematic review of peer-reviewed journal articles on climate-induced drought and heat stress conducted by...
He said - She said: Reflections on gender relations at Tongogara Refugee Settlement
Globally, experiences and realities of displacement continue to gain attention. In Zimbabwe’s Tongogara Refugee Settlement (TRS), there are about 23 157 refugees and asylum seekers, most of which...
Integrated decentralizes food system governance at the district level

Authors Ouch, Mara Sithirith, Mak De Silva, Sanjiv Sok, Sao Abstract/Description The Tonle Sap Lake and Mekong Delta drive Cambodia’s food production, but climate change and infrastructure disrupt...
What evidence exists on the pathways linking climate change to livestock production and consumption in Sub-Saharan Africa? - A Protocol for a Systematic Map

Amare Abera Tareke, Taddese Alemu Zerfu, Wondimu Tadiwos Hailesilassie, Caroline Bosire, Aditi Mukherji Abstract Climate change is increasingly recognized as a significant threat to agricultural...
The role of digital and climate-smart agriculture in climate change mitigation: A systematic mapping protocol for South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa

Maaz Gardezi, Xinjing Yu, Pablo Carcamo, Sheetal Kumari Abstract Climate-smart agriculture is a key global policy priority due to its potential to support climate change adaptation, mitigation, and...
World + 3 more
Advancing climate-smart financial solutions for smallholder farmers: Lessons from the CGIAR Climate Resilience Initiative

Anne G. Timu, Alice Laborte, Emmanuel Attoh, Enock Kikulwe, Paul Kiundu, Zhe Guo, Brian Mayanja, Anthony Mbithi, Murat Sartas, Shalika Vyas, Liangzhi You Abstract Smallholder farmers in low- and...
How effective are adaptation practices on offsetting sorghum and millet yield reductions under climate change? - A Systematic Map Protocol

Authors P.B. Irénikatché Akponikpè, M. Gloriose B. Allakonon, Sissou Zakari, Bio Zimé Sounon Orou Abstract Sorghum and millet are essential staple crops used to improve food security and economic...
Synthesis report on the co-design of agroecological innovations in the Agroecological Living Landscapes (ALLs) in Kenya

Lisa E. Fuchs, Hezekiah Korir, Peter Bolo, Michael Sakha, Pius Gumo, Machio Mbelwa, Anne Kuria, Beatrice Adoyo, Nicholas Syano, Esther Kiruthi, Frederick Baijukya, Frédéric Baudron Executive summary ...