Comme les mois précédents, l'insécurité a continué à impacter les conditions de vie des populations civiles dans plusieurs régions du Burkina Faso. Les données du Groupe de Coordination...
Burkina Faso: Floods - May 2024 Updates (Maps / Infographics)
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Burkina Faso : Aperçu humanitaire (au 31 Octobre 2024)
La situation humanitaire au Burkina Faso reste préoccupante. Les incidents sécuritaires continuent à impacter la population civile notamment dans les régions de l’Est et de la Boucle du Mouhoun. Au...
Burkina Faso : Aperçu humanitaire (au 30 septembre 2024)
Au cours du mois de septembre, les régions de la Boucle du Mouhoun, du Centre-Nord, de l’Est et du Sahel ont connu de nouveaux déplacements de populations dus à une recrudescence d’incidents...
Chad + 17 more
West and Central Africa: Flooding Situation Overview - as of 20 November 2024
FLOODING SITUATION OVERVIEW The rainy season across most of West Africa is drawing to a close, but the effects of the floods across the region are still ongoing for many of those affected. The total...
Côte d'Ivoire + 23 more
West and Central Africa - Regional Mobility Mapping (June 2024)
The development and implementation of policies and programmes in West and Central Africa promoting safe, orderly and humane migration require a better understanding of human mobility in the region. ...
Côte d'Ivoire + 23 more
Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre - Cartographie régionale des mobilités (Juin 2024)
Le développement et la mise en œuvre de programmes et politiques migratoires favorisant une migration sûre, ordonnée et légale en Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre requière une meilleure compréhension...
Chad + 15 more
West and Central Africa: Flooding Situation Overview - as of 31 October 2024
FLOODING SITUATION OVERVIEW Although rainfall is decreasing in the West and Central Africa region, it continues to cause damage and to affect new populations. In total, 7.1 million people have been...
Chad + 15 more
West and Central Africa: Flooding Situation Overview - as of 16 October 2024
FLOODING SITUATION OVERVIEW Torrential rains and severe flooding have affected approximately 6.9 million people in West and Central Africa so far in 2024. Out of 16 countries that have been hit by...
Burkina Faso + 2 more
Burkina Faso, Mali and Western Niger - Humanitarian Snapshot (as of 16 October 2024)
Despite a continued decrease in reported security incidents, the populations of the Central Sahel continue to be affected by violence, conflict and insecurity, resulting in 1,946 deaths in August and...
Chad + 15 more
West and Central Africa: Flooding Situation Overview - as of 5 October 2024
FLOODING SITUATION OVERVIEW Torrential rains and severe flooding have affected nearly 6.6 million people in West and Central Africa so far in 2024. This figure already exceeds last year’s total for...
Chad + 11 more
Afrique de l’Ouest et centrale : Derniers évènements en bref (du 24 au 30 septembre 2024)
Afrique de l'Ouest et centrale Les inondations touchent plus de 4,4 millions de personnes en Afrique de l'Ouest et centrale Les inondations ont touché plus de 4,4 millions de personnes en Afrique de...
Chad + 11 more
West and Central Africa: Latest events at a glance (24 to 30 September 2024)
West and Central Africa Flooding affects more than 4.4 million people in West and Central Africa Floods have affected more than 4.4 million people in West and Central Africa so far in 2024. Chad is...
Mali + 5 more
Sahel region | Floods situation and EU response - DG ECHO Daily Map | 26/09/2024
EU response to the flood EUR 7 million Including resources from ongoing contracts and EUR 5.4 million in newly allocated funds
Chad + 14 more
West and Central Africa: Flooding Situation Overview - as of 22 September 2024
FLOODING SITUATION OVERVIEW Torrential rains and severe flooding have affected more than 4.4 million people in West and Central Africa so far in 2024. This represents an increase of 2.1 million...
Mali + 8 more
Afrique de l’Ouest et centrale : Derniers évènements en bref (du 17 au 23 septembre 2024)
Mali Les inondations continuent de faire des morts et des dégâts importants dans le pays Depuis septembre 2024, les fortes pluies et la montée des eaux du fleuve Niger ont provoqué d’importantes...
Mali + 8 more
West and Central Africa: Latest events at a glance (17 to 23 September 2024)
Mali Floods continue to cause deaths and significant damage across the country Since the beginning of September, heavy rains and the Niger river’s rising water levels have caused significant flooding...
DR Congo + 23 more
West and Central Africa: Flooding Situation Overview - as of 15 August 2024
FLOODING SITUATION OVERVIEW The forecasts for the 2024 season are corroborated to date and the damage is starting to emerge barely two months after the start of the 2024 rainy season in the region...