More than 20 people have been killed in floods in southern India after heavy rains caused rivers to overflow, cutting off towns and villages. Several houses were washed away and people became trapped...
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Updates
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Burkina Faso - the country where it’s too dangerous to go to school
The headteacher says the school just outside the town of Foubé in northern Burkina Faso, which the BBC visited in March, had closed after an attack by armed men in the area. "A lot of schools have...
Niger + 3 more
African migration 'a trickle' thanks to trafficking ban across the Sahara
The number of migrants trying to cross the Mediterranean for Europe has been dropping and that is partly because of tougher measures introduced on the migrant routes, as Mike Thomson reports from...
Philippines deadly storm and landslides kill more than 60
More than 60 people have died after a powerful storm struck the Philippines, with locals reportedly taken by surprise by its strength. Storm Usman hit the Bicol region southeast of capital Manila on...
Belize + 1 more
Cómo es Valle de Paz, la comunidad de refugiados salvadoreños en Belice
20 junio 2018 En los 80, decenas de familias salvadoreñas huyeron de la guerra civil y pidieron asilo a Belice. El gobierno del país caribeño y Acnur individuaron en un trozo de selva cerca de la...
The lost fishermen of India's Cyclone Ockhi
Nearly 100 Indian fishermen are still missing a week after a powerful storm struck the country's southern coast. Ashraf Padanna has visited Poonthura, a fishing village in the state of Kerala that is...
México: el conflicto detrás del drama de 5.000 indígenas desplazados a las montañas de Chiapas por la violencia
Sobreviven en las montañas y bosques, a la intemperie con la lluvia y el frío. Son unas 5.000 personas indígenas de Chiapas quienes hace varias semanas huyeron de sus comunidades, amenazados por...
Madagascar : la peste tue une dizaine de personnes
Le ministère de la Santé de Madagascar a déjà dénombré dix décès dus à la peste et une soixantaine de cas confirmés positifs par l'Institut Pasteur. Ces personnes sont mortes depuis le début de la...
Iraq + 2 more
What is at stake in Iraqi Kurdish vote for independence?
By Michael Knights Washington Institute for Near East Policy On 25 September, the residents of Kurdish-controlled areas inside Iraq will have the opportunity to vote in a referendum on their...
Greece + 2 more
Refugee children on Lesbos helped to face fear of drowning
"I call it reconciliation," says Manuel Elviro. He is part of a Spanish volunteer group that felt compelled to act after seeing some of the dramatic drawings by children who survived the perilous sea...
Brazil + 1 more
Venezuela indigenous group flees crisis for Brazil
Around 400 indigenous Warao people from the Orinoco Delta in Venezuela have arrived in the Brazilian city of Manaus in the Amazon. The authorities have declared a social emergency to seek government...
Bolivia declares emergency over locust plague
The Bolivian government has declared a state of emergency in a vast agricultural area affected by a plague of locusts. President Evo Morales has announced a contingency plan, which includes $700,000...
Madagali: Dozens killed in Nigeria suicide attack
At least 45 people have been killed in a suicide bomb attack in the north-eastern Nigerian town of Madagali in Adamawa state, officials say. Read more on the BBC
Mugabe's Zanu-PF 'blocking food aid' amid Zimbabwe drought
Zimbabwe's ruling party has been accused of deliberately withholding aid from opposition supporters in areas facing starvation because of drought. Read more the full article on BBC
Greece + 3 more
Voices of Refugees - Information and communication needs of refugees in Greece and Germany
This study provides a snapshot of refugees’ experiences regarding communication and information at different points on their journey, based on interviews with 79 refugees and 45 humanitarian actors...
Nepal + 3 more
Over 100 dead in South Asia monsoon flooding
More than 100 people have been killed in monsoon floods in South Asia, as torrential rain caused chaos in several countries. Hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced, with many rescued...
Pakistan + 1 more
Pakistan could beat polio in months, says WHO
Polio could be eradicated in Pakistan within months, health officials say, as a mass vaccination drive is launched. A World Health Organisation spokesman told the BBC only a handful of cases have...
India 'water train' brings relief to drought affected state
A train carrying half a million litres of water has been dispatched to the worst-affected areas of India's drought-hit western Maharashtra state. The "water train" is pulling 10 tankers filled with...
World + 2 more
Mobile drought insurance to protect Africa's farmers
A mobile insurance scheme to help small-scale farmers in Kenya insure their agricultural produce against drought and other natural disasters is spreading to other parts of Africa, as Neil Ford...
Iraqi town Taza 'hit in IS chemical attack' appeals for help

By Nafiseh Kohnavard It is the smell that you notice first of all - a bitter mixture of egg and cucumber that hangs in the air, and burns your nose and throat. Local people say they have been washing...