THE REGIONAL PERSPECTIVE Preliminary maize forecasts released towards the end of April, indicate production shortfalls in a number of SADC countries following a prolonged dry spell in parts of the...
Malawi + 9 more
Malawi + 9 more
THE REGIONAL PERSPECTIVE Preliminary maize forecasts released towards the end of April, indicate production shortfalls in a number of SADC countries following a prolonged dry spell in parts of the...
Malawi + 3 more
JOHANNESBURG, 15 May (IRIN) - Extreme food shortages and HIV/AIDS are forcing the elderly in Southern Africa to become breadwinners all over again, HelpAge said on Wednesday. The organisation...
The Botswana Red Cross Society has completed the construction of houses and sanitary facilities for victims of the devastating floods caused by cyclones Connie and Eline which ravaged the region two...
Botswana + 5 more
JOHANNESBURG, 8 January (IRIN) - Floods could hit parts of southern Africa again this year as experts predict above normal rainfall in many areas until at least the end of February. "The latest that...
Angola + 11 more
With above normal rains forecast for much of the SADC region, this issue of the Regional Flood Watch reports the onset of the rains, the likelihood of floods this season and the current state of...
Botswana + 5 more
ZAMBIA: Food shortages loom say farmers Zambia was expected to experience a huge shortage of maize, the country's staple food, the Zambia National Farmers Union (ZNFU) said on Thursday. "A maize...
Bangladesh + 12 more
Gland, Switzerland - New research commissioned by WWF, the conservation organization, has warned that dams built with the promise of reducing flooding can often exacerbate the problem with...
Angola + 11 more
JOHANNESBURG, 28 March (IRIN) - The prices of staple grain products in southern Africa were unlikely to be drastically affected by the impact of floods and drought on crops in the region, analysts...
Botswana + 2 more
Period covered: January - February 14, 2001 Appeal 04/2000 revision 4, "Mozambique and Zimbabwe: Floods Rehabilitation" was closed on 31 December 2000 (see Situation Report nos. 13 and 14 issued on...
Botswana + 2 more
Special Focus on Flood Disaster Preparedness efforts in Mozambique Period covered: November, 2000; The end of the operation has now been revised from March 31, 2001 to December 31, 2000. Following...
GABORONE - The Botswana government estimates that it would spend 10 million pula to address the problems caused by the floods which wrecked havoc in the southern Africa region early in the year...
Wene Owino, PANA Correspondent GABORONE, Botswana (PANA) - Botswana president Festus Mogae has said that the recent floods coupled with the ravages of quelea birds have resulted in an 8-percent grain...
Afghanistan + 35 more
Rome, June 2000 Extracts from FAO/GIEWS Food Outlook No. 3, 2000 HIGHLIGHTS Latest indications continue to point to a larger cereal output in 2000. However, based on the current forecasts, total...
Angola + 9 more
UNITED NATIONS Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs Integrated Regional Information Network for Southern Africa Tel: +27 11 880 4633 Fax: +27 11 880 1421 e-mail: ...
Angola + 6 more
ANGOLA: Dos Santos warns Zambia The President of Angola, Jose Eduardo Dos Santos, has again accused neighbouring Zambia of helping the UNITA rebels fighting his government, Angolan news reports said...
Mozambique + 2 more
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Background and Objectives Mozambique, Botswana, Zambia, Zimbabwe and South Africa, were adversely affected by excessive rains during the 1999/2000 season. During the same season...
Ref: OCHA/GVA-2000/0107 Botswana - Floods OCHA Situation Report No. 6 30 May 2000 Situation This report summarizes information from the UN Resident Coordinator's Office in Botswana. In view of the...
Afghanistan + 41 more
A/55/82 - S/2000/61 I. Introduction 1. The present report has been prepared pursuant to General Assembly resolution 46/182 of 19 December 1991, in which the Assembly requested the Secretary-General...
Botswana + 3 more
The Department for International Development (DFID) is responsible for the UK Government's response to disasters and emergencies overseas. Since the middle of January prolonged and exceptionally...
Botswana + 2 more
Period covered: 25 April - 15 May Revision No. 3 of Appeal 04/2000 consolidated the relief and rehabilitation phase of the operation, and sought CHF 19,470,410 in cash, kind, and services to assist...