Joint situational analysis Bolivia is currently experiencing economic growth driven in part by mining, construction, transport and storage, and hydrocarbon activities. The country’s economy grew by...
Joint situational analysis Bolivia is currently experiencing economic growth driven in part by mining, construction, transport and storage, and hydrocarbon activities. The country’s economy grew by...
1. INTRODUCCIÓN. De acuerdo a datos obtenidos del Ministerio de Salud del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia (CENSO DE POBLACION Y VIVIENDA DE BOLIVIA DEL 21/11/2012), la falta de acceso al transporte,...
1. Impacto de la Crisis y consecuencias en las personas Contexto de la crisis Bolivia es, de 31 países emergentes, el más vulnerable ante el impacto de la epidemia de coronavirus, (Tolosa, 2020),...
CONTEXTO En diciembre de 2019 se identificaron los primeros casos del nuevo coronavirus -COVID-19 a nivel global en Wuhan, China. El 11 de marzo de 2020, la Organización Mundial de la Salud -OMS...
Preliminary Appeal Target: US$134,792 Balance Requested: US$134,792 Geneva, 14 October 2014 Dear Colleagues, In the first quarter of this year, Bolivia experienced the worst flooding in 60 years. To...
GLIDE n° FL-2012-000032-BOL This Emergency Appeal seeks 503,659 Swiss francs in cash, kind, or services to support the Bolivian Red Cross (BRC) to assist 2,000 families (10,000 beneficiaries) for six...
Period covered by this Ops Update: March to October 2011. This update represents an eight-month summary of the operation (cumulative narrative and financial). Appeal target (current): 518,725 Swiss...
GLIDE n=B0 FL-2011-000020-BOL This Emergency Appeal seeks 518,725 Swiss francs in cash, kind, or services to support the Bolivian Red Cross to assist 2,500 beneficiaries for 6 months, and will be...
Appeal Target: US$ 147,489 Total Requested: US$ 122,504 Geneva, 21 April 2008 Dear Colleagues, On 24 January 2008, the Bolivian Government declared a state of National Emergency as a consequence to...
Appeal Target: US$ 71,718 Geneva, 2nd April 2008 Dear Colleagues, On 24 January 2008, the Bolivian Government declared a state of National Emergency as a consequence to the constant and heavy rains...
1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Since November 2007, extreme climatic events caused by the La Niña phenomenon are affecting all nine departments of Bolivia. Floods, mudslides and landslides have caused loss of...
1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Situation Since November 2006, extreme climatic events resulting from the El Niño Phenomenon have been affecting eight of the nine departments of Bolivia. Floods and landslides...
The Federation's mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity. It is the world's largest humanitarian organization and its millions of volunteers are...
Appeal Target: US$ 58,759 Geneva, 24 February, 2006 Dear Colleagues, Unprecedented heavy rains lashed Bolivia in January and February 2006. In the highlands alone rainfall has been nearly three times...
Bolivia + 2 more
PANAMA - The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) launched an international appeal today for US$1 million to fund a six-month emergency food aid operation in Bolivia, where prolonged drought has...
1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A prolonged drought is severely threatening the food security, health and nutritional status of children and adults in the El Chaco region located in Bolivia's southeast. Though...
Bolivia + 3 more
Total Appeal Target : US$ 700,000 Balance Requested from ACT Network: US$520,995 Geneva, 31 January 2003 Dear Colleagues, In 2002, 25 payments averaging US$26,184 and totalling US$654,606 were made...
Appeal Target: US$ 109,893 Balance Requested from ACT Network: US$ 61,113 Geneva, 8 October 2002 Dear Colleagues, In July this year, extremely cold weather and intense snowstorms affected the Andean...
Bolivia + 1 more
Appeal Target: US$ 207,036 Geneva, 2 August 2002 Dear Colleagues, Since the beginning of July, temperatures in the southern Andean region of Peru and the southern high plains of Bolivia have dropped...
Bolivia + 10 more
This Programme Update is intended for reporting on Annual Appeals. Appeal Target (revised): CHF 3,500,000 (USD 2.2 million or EUR 2.4 million) Period covered: January - March 2002; Next report...