The long-term objective of the BRCiS III project is to contribute to reduced severity of humanitarian needs and displacement in Somalia by supporting marginalized communities in rural Somalia to have...
The long-term objective of the BRCiS III project is to contribute to reduced severity of humanitarian needs and displacement in Somalia by supporting marginalized communities in rural Somalia to have...
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This is the seventh report from the 2022/2023 Nutrition and Mortality Motioning System project. Data collection for this round was conducted and funded by the BRCS consortium...
There is growing evidence, both in Somalia and around the world, that membership in savings groups has significant, positive effects on women’s lives. It is linked with better food security,...
Executive Summary This report looks at the market systems resilience of three market systems in Baidoa, Somali; namely milk, cowpeas, and leafy greens. These three markets were selected based on a...
The HARBS Emergency Response Programme is a unique collaborative effort delivered by the Building Resilient Communities in Somalia (BRCiS) Consortium. This comprehensive drought response aims to...
Introduction Somalia faced a prolonged and serious drought during 2022 and into early 2023. The effects of this, combined with conflict and outbreaks of infectious diseases, are still being seen at...
Executive Summary This is the sixth report from the 2022/2023 Nutrition and Mortality Motioning System project. Between April 3rd and April 20th, 2023, data was collected from 1,410 IDP households in...
Executive Summary This is the fifth report from the 2022/2023 Nutrition and Mortality Motioning System project. This sentinel site data collection continues to provide periodic data on the evolution...
Executive Summary This is the fourth report from the 2022/2023 Nutrition and Mortality Motioning System project. This sentinel site data collection continues to provide periodic data on the evolution...
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Thirty years of protracted conflict, disasters, and environmental degradation in Somalia have led to massive displacement, high vulnerability to natural hazards, and poor to no...
Executive Summary This is the third report from the 2022/2023 Nutrition and Mortality Motioning System project. This sentinel site data collection continues to provide near real-time data on the...
Executive Summary This is the second report from the 2022 Nutrition and Mortality Motioning System project. This sentinel site data collection aims to provide near real-time data on the evolution of...
Executive Summary As part of its famine prevention response, the BRCiS consortium is monitoring the health and nutrition situation in purposively selected IDP sites. This sentinel site data...
How BRCiS builds resilience in Somalia despite unprecedented challenges. In 2017, communities in Somalia faced their fourth failed rainy season in a row and the worst food security situation since...
The project under review started in September 2018 and ended in March 2022. It was implemented in 407 communities across 34 districts of Somalia. The purpose of the midline evaluation is to provide...
BRCiS initiated the monitoring of nutritional status within the beneficiaries of its Safety Net pilot cash transfer programme to help evaluate the impact of its resilience programming and to...
The BRCiS system has been collecting data from Safety Net cash beneficiaries to assess the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on their health and livelihoods. Six rounds of data collection have been...
Report issued: 10/01/2022 Introduction The Building Resilient Communities in Somalia consortium (BRCiS) is comprised of eight partner NGOs and is led by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC). BRCiS has...
REPORT ISSUED: 10/01/2022 Key Messages The BRCiS COVID-19 Monitoring system has been collecting data from Safety Net cash beneficiaries to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their health...
About BRCiS The Building Resilient Communities in Somalia (BRCiS) Consortium was created in the aftermath of the 2011 famine which resulted in an estimated 258,000 excess deaths in Somalia. To...