Geneva 23 November 2023 – The Twenty-First Meeting of the States Parties (21MSP) to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production, and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines, under...
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World + 31 more
Geneva 23 November 2023 – The Twenty-First Meeting of the States Parties (21MSP) to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production, and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines, under...
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Geneva– The annual Intersessional Meetings of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpile, Production, and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction (aka Ottawa...
Geneva -- "The global norm created against the production and use of anti-personnel mines is at danger. The international community needs to raise in unison to condemn any such activity, by any actor...
watch the press conference in English here Lire le communiqué de presse en français | Lea el comunicado de prensa en español | اقرأ البيان الصحفي باللغة العربية Geneva, New York – The President of...
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*The Hague 19 November 2021 *– The Netherlands has concluded a week of work leading the Nineteenth Meeting of the States Parties to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling,...
Geneva, Colombo, The Hague – “Sri Lanka is pleased to confirm that the Humanitarian Demining Unit of the Sri Lanka Army has destroyed nearly 12,000 stockpiled anti-personnel mines almost a year...
Ginebra, Bogotá – Colombia, uno de 30 Estados Parte de la Convención sobre la Prohibición de Minas Antipersonal en haber declarado un número importante de sobrevivientes de minas (al 2021, más de 11...
Geneva, Bogotá – Colombia, one of 30 States Parties to the Convention on the Prohibition of Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention that has declared having a significant number of mine survivors (as of...
Geneva, 20 November 2020 – Sudan has concluded a week of work leading the annual meeting of the States Parties to the Mine Ban Convention with nearly 500 registered participants from 99 States...
Geneva and Tripoli, 1 June 2020 — The President of the landmark anti-landmine treaty, which prohibits the use of anti-personnel mines has expressed concern following report of use of these weapons in...
Contact : WhatsApp +41 78 953 0720 Ginebra y Santiago, 3 de marzo de 2020 - El histórico tratado antiminas que conmemora esta semana 21 años de su labor humanitaria y de desarme, acoge con...
Contact: +41 78 953 0720 Geneva and Santiago, 3 March 2020 - The landmark anti-landmine treaty which this week commemorates 21 years of its life-saving and disarmament work, warmly welcomed the news...
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Geneva, 3 February 2020 – The announcement that the United States of America – which has not used anti-personnel mines for nearly three decades – is allowing “planning for and use” of these weapons...
Oslo, Geneva 29 November 2019 – The Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention’s quinquennial meeting, the Oslo Review Conference on a Mine-Free World, concluded a week of work in Norway with the adoption of...
Vientiane, Geneva, Amman 25 October 2019 - In sign of its rapprochement towards adopting a ban against anti-personnel mines, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Defence, Labour and Social Welfare and...
Ginebra, Suiza - Chile podría ser la nueva buena noticia en materia de desminado humanitario en América del Sur en donde cinco países andinos han declarado zonas minadas bajo su jurisdicción o...
Geneva, Switzerland - Chile could be the new success story in humanitarian demining in South America a region where five countries have declared mined areas under their jurisdiction or control. At a...
Geneva, Muscat – “The Sultanate of Oman is honoured to declare that we have completed the destruction of anti-personnel mines according to the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention well ahead of our...
Geneva, Mauritania – Areas of Mauritania that were under the threat of anti-personnel mines for forty years are now deemed safe. “I am extremely honoured to declare that after four decades since...
Sarajevo-Geneva – Bosnia-Herzegovina, a party to the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention (also known as Ottawa Convention), is undertaking a national exercise with relevant stakeholders after...