INTRODUCTION Throughout the Sahel region, migrants1, embark on perilous and challenging journeys in pursuit of safety or improved livelihoods. Whether on land or at sea, individuals encounter...
Sudan + 11 more
Sudan + 11 more
INTRODUCTION Throughout the Sahel region, migrants1, embark on perilous and challenging journeys in pursuit of safety or improved livelihoods. Whether on land or at sea, individuals encounter...
APERÇU GÉNÉRAL De nouvelles étapes pour la paix en RDC Au cours de la période sous revue, quelques actions entre la République démocratique du Congo (RDC), le Rwanda et l’Angola ont été entreprises...
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The escalating displacement crises across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region present significant challenges to humanitarian actors. As part of the Global South, a term used to refer...
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Over the quarter, several ongoing shifts in the global landscape of health emergencies impacted our approach to serving Members States in the African Region. It is fair to say that Africa’s attention...
This K4DD Rapid Evidence Review looks at modalities to deliver services in five sectors in fragile, conflict-affected and vulnerable (FCV) settings. The common challenge is how to bring about rapid...
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The Start Fund monthly risk briefing reports on new, emerging or deteriorating situations; therefore, ongoing events that are considered to be unchanged are not featured and risks that are beyond the...
iMMAP Inc.’s Winter Needs and Resilience Study, conducted in collaboration with the Cash Working Group (CWG) Afghanistan, provides an in-depth analysis of the unique challenges Afghan households face...
Authors: Anjela Taneja, Anthony Kamande, Chandreyi Guharay Gomez, Dana Abed, Max Lawson, Neelanjana Mukhia En 2024, la riqueza conjunta de los milmillonarios creció tres veces más rápido que en 2023...
Authors Ouch, Mara Sithirith, Mak De Silva, Sanjiv Sok, Sao Abstract/Description The Tonle Sap Lake and Mekong Delta drive Cambodia’s food production, but climate change and infrastructure disrupt...
La richesse des milliardaires a bondi de 2 000 milliards de dollars en 2024, soit trois fois plus vite que l’année précédente, tandis que le nombre de personnes en situation de pauvreté n’a presque...
Billionaire wealth surges by $2 trillion in 2024, three times faster than the year before, while the number of people living in poverty has barely changed since 1990 Published: 20th January 2025 ...
OVERVIEW OF THE AGREEMENT The Palestinian Authority (PA) has reached an agreement to conclude its security operation in the northern West Bank town of Jenin. The operation, which commenced last month...
Participation and Methodology Combined, the workshops brought together over 112 participants from 102 international and local/national NGOs (INGOs and L/NNGOs), and NGO Fora, with 68% of the...
New SIPRI research takes stock of the women, peace and security agenda As the 24th anniversary of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security (WPS) approaches, SIPRI...
AUTHORS: Victor Villaa, Frans Schapendonka, Niklas Saxa, Benson Kenduiywoa, Rym Benzidb, Abdimajid Nunowc and Grazia Pacilloa Abstract/Description Somalia has long struggled to overcome the social,...
Authors: Leonardo Medina, Frans Schapendonk, Martina Jaskolski, Joab Osumba, Alice Jebiwott, Radhika Singh, Joyce Takaindisa, Grazia Pacillo. Executive summary The Conflict Sensitive Adaptation...
Israel’s ongoing genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza has triggered and escalated an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe, deliberately inflicting life-threatening conditions on more...
KEY DEVELOPMENTS On 15 January 2025, mediators announced a ceasefire agreed between Israel and Hamas that, if fully implemented, would end the 15-month conflict that began on 7 October 2023. The...
By Brenda Shaffer A quick outlook regarding Syria’s energy resources and infrastructure, including the role of declining oil revenue under the Assad regime’s governance and the prospects for, and...
A 21st Century Paradigm for Negotiating Peace and Stability By Mark Freeman Abstract When seeking to prevent or end situations of large-scale violence, there is a dominant paradigm or accepted wisdom...