Carolina Sarzana and Salma Kadry Climate change is one of the biggest crises of our time. Climate threats range from higher temperatures, heavy rainfalls and floods, erratic precipitation, droughts,...
Carolina Sarzana and Salma Kadry Climate change is one of the biggest crises of our time. Climate threats range from higher temperatures, heavy rainfalls and floods, erratic precipitation, droughts,...
Researchers from the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT and national partner AGNES conducted a 2024 needs assessment in Kenya’s Turkana and West Pokot Counties to understand and address...
Compound Risk Framework (CRF) Climate variability is widely impacting natural and human systems. We are increasingly exposed to compound and interrelated environmental, socioeconomic, and political...
Burkina Faso + 2 more
Carolina Sarzana, Yacouba Ouedraogo, Theresa Renkamp, Federico Doehnert, Amadou Cisse, Ollo Sib, Benson Kenduiywo, Victor Korir, and Peter Läderach Abstract/Description The Liptako Gourma region,...
Citation Moreno, M.; Buritica, A.; Pierce, D.; Gonzalez, C.; Castro, A. (2024) A case study of the FARC peace agreement impact on land markets in Caquetá, Colombia. Cali (Colombia) Bioversity...
The need to integrate food systems into Colombia’s climate change, biodiversity, and sustainable development efforts Food systems have become a critical component of the global environmental policy...
Bolivia + 1 more
CRISP, the Climate Risk Planning & Managing Tool for development programmes in agri-food systems, helps practitioners and policy makers in the agri-food sector to understand climate related risks,...
LUSAKA - The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and CGIAR, have renewed their partnership through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Alliance of Bioversity International and the...
Background and objectives of the study Armed conflicts and the violence they cause are among the major shocks which disrupt local food systems in most low- and middle-income countries. This generally...
1. Introduction 1.1. Project summary The Innovation for African Climate Risk Insurance (InACRI) project aims to develop an improved crop insurance product that addresses the problem of basis risk...
Messages clés Contexte Le Niger est un pays extrêmement vulnérable du fait de son exposition aux risques climatiques (sécheresse, inondations, hausse des températures), des décennies de mauvaise...
Executive summary Tanzania’s agricultural production system is largely dependent on rainfall and is thus highly susceptible to variabilities in rainfall and temperature. An analysis of historic...
Key messages Projected climate change impacts through 2050 In addition to analyses at the nationallevel, this report focuses on how projected climate impacts through 2050 will affect food security...
Executive summary This report provides an overview of the projected impacts of climate change in Somalia at the national and local levels–from a livelihood zone perspective. The analysis focused on...
Messages clés Contexte La République de Guinée possède d’importantes ressources naturelles dont un réseau de bassins fluviaux conséquent et une grande biodiversité, mais fait face à des aléas...
Key Messages Context Guinea-Bissau is a low-income, food-deficit country with significant development challenges and high vulnerability to climate change. High levels of poverty, political...
Key Messages Context Nepal is one of the countries that is most vulnerable to natural disasters and climate change. Climate change presents detrimental impacts on food and nutrition security. To...
Key Messages The majority of Burundians are smallholder farmers facing serious constraints that will be further exacerbated under climate change. Most Burundian agricultural systems are highly...
Messages Clés Contexte Haïti, vu son profil de péninsule, est un pays extrêmement vulnérable aux chocs et aléas climatiques, ainsi qu’à leurs effets notablement négatifs sur la sécurité alimentaire...
1 Introduction This report documents the extent to which changes in weather patterns—both short-term and sustained—influence internal migration in the Philippines. Our primary goal is empirical, as...