Robert Muzuri Rugoheza, chef de projet en santé mentale et soutien psychosocial de HI, témoigne de la vie quotidienne à Goma et des besoins urgents de la population. Absence de services et grande...
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Live from Goma: life under high tension
Robert Muzuri Rugoheza, HI's mental health and psychosocial support project manager, talks about life in Goma today and the population's urgent needs. Lack of services and high levels of precarity ...
Giving the Gift of Hearing: A Milestone for Children in Syria
Dear Fellow Humanitarian, As part of our ongoing medical mission to Syria, Dr. Mufaddal Hamadeh, SAMS’ President, recently visited Idlib, where he stopped at the Termanin Physical Therapy Center, a...
UNDP Gender and Recovery Toolkit

We live in a world of complex crises. Conflict, climate and biodiversity-related shocks political turbulence and polarization are on the rise. More than two billion people today live in fragile or...
Slovakia + 1 more
Slovakia: InterAgency CASH Assistance - End year achievements 2024

Through the Cash Working Group, Slovakia’s Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, and Family (MoLSAF), UNHCR, UNICEF, IFRC/Red Cross & CARITAS, in close coordination with the Government, continued...
RD Congo : Situation humanitaire dans la province de l’Ituri - Rapport de Situation No.01/2025 - Le 18 février 2025

Ce rapport, produit par OCHA RDC en collaboration avec les partenaires humanitaires, couvre exceptionnellement la période du 11 décembre 2024 au 31 janvier 2025 FAITS MAJEURS 52 personnes tuées...
République Centrafricaine : Visite d'un expert de l'ONU pour évaluer les droits de l'homme
GENEVE - L'expert indépendant des Nations Unies sur la situation des droits de l'homme en République centrafricaine (RCA), Yao Agbetse, effectue une visite officielle dans le pays du 17 au 27 Février...
Central African Republic: Independent Expert to visit for human rights assessment
GENEVA – The Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in the Central African Republic (CAR), Yao Agbetse, is conducting an official visit to the country from 17-27 February 2025. The visit...
oPt + 1 more
Reported impact snapshot | Gaza Strip, 18 February 2025 at 15:00

Disclaimer: Figures that are yet-to-be verified by the UN are attributed to their source. Casualty numbers have been provided by the Ministry of Health (MoH) and the Israeli authorities. The fatality...
1762 attacks on health care over three years as Russia escalates its war on Ukraine’s doctors and hospitals: PHR
PHR calls on the global community to hold perpetrators of attacks on health to account and support Ukraine; U.S. government must restore humanitarian and health aid to Ukraine A staggering 1762...
Burundi + 1 more
Miles de personas llegan a Burundi en apenas unos días huyendo de la creciente tensión y violencia en el este de la República Democrática del Congo
El siguiente contenido corresponde a las declaraciones formuladas hoy por Matthew Saltmarsh, portavoz de ACNUR, en una rueda de prensa en el Palacio de las Naciones, en Ginebra. 18 Febrero 2025 ...
Burundi + 1 more
Le Burundi voit arriver des milliers de personnes fuyant la montée des tensions en République démocratique du Congo
Ceci est un résumé des déclarations de Matthew Saltmarsh, porte-parole du HCR - à qui toute citation peut être attribuée - lors de la conférence de presse du 18 février 2025 au Palais des Nations à...
Summary Workshop Route Based Programming

Introduction This document is a summary of the workshop Route Based Programming, organized by IOM and CashCap/NORCAP, with the support of WFP, UNICEF, and Save the Children, took place in Panama City...
Chad + 7 more
Sudan Emergency Regional Refugee Response - End of Year Report 2024

Situation Overview The Sudan conflict that started in April 2023 deepened throughout 2024 without abating. Millions continued to flee their homes inside and across Sudan’s borders in search of safety...
The Humanitarian Coordinator alerts on the humanitarian consequences of the crisis in South Kivu and calls for an end to the fighting

Kinshasa, 18 February 2025 – The Humanitarian Coordinator in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mr. Bruno Lemarquis, expresses his deep concern regarding the humanitarian consequences of the...
oPt + 1 more
Experts urge humane treatment and immediate release of Israeli hostages and arbitrarily detained Palestinians
GENEVA – Human rights experts* have repeatedly condemned the mistreatment of Palestinian detainees and Israeli hostages. Today they denounced the degrading public display by Hamas of Israeli hostages...
Armed Conflict and Mass Displacement in Colombia | Rapid Needs Assessment, February 14, 2025

Executive Summary A severe humanitarian crisis has erupted following the intensification of violence and subsequent mass displacement of civilians in the Catatumbo region in Colombia’s Norte de...
Inmunización en las Américas: Resumen 2024

Prólogo Los países de las Américas, con el apoyo de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS), han hecho notables progresos en proporcionar a los niños un paraguas de protección contra las...
Kenya + 3 more
East Africa's Women and Youth-led MSMEs in Agricultural Value-Chains: Factsheet 2024

DESCRIPTION Agricultural value chains, which comprise dense networks of many Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), play a pivotal role in driving East Africa’s economic growth and...
Clúster Salud: Boletín Nacional, Diciembre 2024

Resumen Para el cierre del año 2024, se han acumulado un poco más de 2.3 millones de beneficiarios en actividades de salud destacándose la realización unas 25 mil actividades en establecimientos...